
by omgbunny
created Sep 27, 2012
268 views | 496 downloads

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map notes
Couldn't figure out how to rename it. If anyone knows how tell me please :)


said Sep 27, 2012
There's a level settings tab in the editor where you can change the name. Next to the help button.
said Sep 27, 2012
Make sure you press 'enter' when you type the name in.  That's confused me on several occasions!  :)
said Sep 28, 2012
Ah, I was trying the name bit, but I never though to press enter, thanks!
said Sep 27, 2012
That first section is incredibly hard to pull of consistently... If you made it more like the sections in Zetta Difficult it would be much more intuitive; that way you would just hold up, rather than timing the jump to pixel perfect perfection.  But, of course, maybe you prefer it that way! Just giving my two cents...

The rest of the level is great, though.

P.S.  Play around with the camera tools.  They're really not that hard and can have a significant impact on the overall feel and playability of your levels.
said Sep 27, 2012
its actually really consistent, so long as you don't try to make it like zetta and down dash before the ramp.  less than maxspeed + jump basically gets it 100% of the time.
edited Sep 27, 2012

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