Star Gazing

by C
created Dec 9, 2017
662 views | 1205 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
I was experimenting with creating some kind of skeletal animation; I had used something similar in midnight graveyard but wanted to try something else.
The trees were created to stress test the script so they're generated and animated in realtime - there's a good chance you'll experience some lag because of this.

Sorry it's nothing special - it was just a test but I thought the trees looked interesting so I slapped in some gameplay and art.
edited Dec 10, 2017


said Dec 9, 2017
Starting this makes my Dustforce windowed, is that normal
said Dec 9, 2017
Also doesn't add me to the leaderboards after completing, despite showing me as having finished the level on dustkid
Do I need to update Dustmod prior to playing this?
said Dec 9, 2017
That's really weird, but yeah updating might fix your problems.
said Dec 9, 2017
Cool, how did you make the props move?
said Dec 9, 2017
Scripting was added to dustmod a few months ago:
said Dec 9, 2017
I supposed I should have asked: Can I see your script file that you used to make the props move?
said Dec 10, 2017
Sure, I don't know how useful it'll be for you but here it is:

Technically I'm not moving actual props, rather drawing sprites directly using the sprite and canvas API classes
If you want to know more it might be easier asking in the discord.
said Dec 14, 2017
Would I have to write my own all by myself or is it possible to rely on predefined functions and classes?
said Dec 18, 2017
I'm not sure I understand, what exactly do you want to do?
You can modify and insert the code I posted in your own maps, and the API already has functions for doing almost anything you want in game.
edited Dec 19, 2017
said Dec 10, 2017
Guess I need to download dustmod then to see this map, but the thumbnail looks pretty
said Dec 10, 2017
I'd recommend it, dustmod has a lot of cool stuff.
said Dec 22, 2017
Meark, I released CC2 a week agobut it's in the dustforce community nexus.  Download it.  It's pretty easy to install!

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