
by krackocloud
created Aug 23, 2012
437 views | 748 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
Not much to say here. Just a straightforward map with lots of rocks.


said Aug 23, 2012
I liked the level design a lot, but that section in the middle where you have to make a u-turn after taking out the flying crowd is awkward and confusing.  I wouldn't really call it straightforward, but it was still fun to play.
said Aug 23, 2012
Yeah, I should've made the route clearer. Thanks for noting that.
said Aug 23, 2012
Yeah, that part in the middle could have done with some redesigning. Dustworth sneaked in a slight shortcut though, so that's nice. =)

The bear at the top of the wallclimb also isn't very exciting. If he were a bit closer to the edge so you could reach him from there in order to get an extra attack in quickly it'd feel better, but I suppose that's a minor point.

Other than that the level is nice. =)
said Aug 24, 2012
Thanks. I'm not too good at combat so I wasn't really sure about the bear.
said Aug 23, 2012
This level really could've used a different track than the ambient one used for the over-world. I feel that the music doesn't match up with the level well. The level itself is still really fun. I the u-turn bit is a little confusing, but it's nothing bad. I didn't care for the end wall climb too much, could've used less porcupines IMO. I think every level could use less of those guys though.
said Aug 24, 2012
The lack of level music was actually accidental!
said Aug 24, 2012
Very smooth good job!
said Aug 24, 2012
Thanks :V

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