Through the Ducts

by Phyrephox
created Aug 20, 2012
336 views | 591 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
A short level, with some tricky jumps.  Can you clear the path of all that grime?


said Aug 20, 2012
The map is alright, although the bucket and the slime climbing section after that i feel is ridiculously unfun if you try to do it with any amount of speed.  

And also I found a cool way to get on the outside of the ending of the map, but i'm guessing its not intended since there are no death zones.
said Aug 20, 2012
agree on the bucket part, it should be slightly lower. I know that if you do it propperly you will always hit it, but it makes the first run a pain, and you know how important first impressions are ^_^
said Aug 26, 2012
A well-timed upwards heavy will kill it without having to get in range of it.  So, NBD to me.

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