dungeon raid

by Marfinator
created Aug 13, 2012
673 views | 841 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Ever since I saw Vulcan. I really wanted to recreate the lava effect used in that level. I started working on this level when the level editor first came out. It's my very first map, so I don't think it will be that great. I just kinda made up the level as I went a long.

I've actually had the level done for awhile, but I didn't want to publish it until I had fully decorated it. That is never going happen, I'm too lazy to to spend the time to finish decorating the level. Everything is decorated except of the bit at the end.

There are also 3 secrets in the levels to find.

I hope you enjoyed this map I'll never bother to make 100% pretty.

Also, the level is impossible as Dustkid. I can't beat is as Dustworth, but I think it can be done. It is confirmed beatable by both Dustman and Dustgirl.
retagged Nov 27, 2014


said Aug 13, 2012
Geez this level is tough
said Aug 14, 2012
Well, at least it's labeled as such.
said Aug 14, 2012
It's a great map, but I very much so dislike 3 things:
-The entire map has a really nice flow, the chesthover part completely breaks the flow as you have to get the chest in the air first, this could be fixed by having the chest stand on a speck of dust platform off the side so you dont have to stand still to start hovering, or by changing the unit that you have to hover: the chest's hitbox is really awkward and extremely low, making it much harder to judge when to strike and when you can go across than it should be, use a tashcan or an apple for hover parts as those simply work the best.
-The fact that you restricted the map to only a phew characters, the part before the chesthover is impossible with dustkid, and honestly the fact that it is 'harder' for dustman there doesnt make that part any more enjoyable, as it makes it extremely slow since you have to reach the highest point in the wallwalk and he slows down the further he goes up. I feel there is no real reason to make this part restricted to dustman only, and that is actually the only area that restricts dustkid to get past.
-It's REALLY LONG, which makes SSing it feel more like a chore than a fun thing to do.

Apart from that, great map, loved the looks of the lava part as well as the any% route! =D
edited Aug 14, 2012
said Aug 14, 2012
1) I've thought about removing the chest part multiple times. But every time, I decided to leave them in. I do agree that does make the level a little too hard, and it takes some practice to do this part somewhat consistently. Looking at the feedback, I definitely would have removed them.

2) I really should've changed that part around a bit too, it does end up slowing the pace down too much. I still have problems designing for all the characters. Since I main as Dustman, I end up just designing the level around him and no one else.

3) I wanted to make a nice long level, very similar to Castaway http://atlas.dustforce.com/337/castaway (one of my all time favorite levels, also I still can't S rank it because of its length). However unlike Castaway, the scope and size of my level is a little too big, some parts of the map just stretch out longer than I think they should have. I feel if I condense a map's size when designing it, it turns out much better in the end. The map I've made for the upcoming race has and nice and small vertical design. It flows at lot better than this map here, IMO.

4) I like trying to make hidden paths for any% runs. They really don't end up too hidden since you can just watch my replay of when I do it. You can also get a sense of just how absurdly large my level is when taking this route since it's just a straight shot to the goal line.

In the end, this still technically is the first map I've ever made. I haven't touched this file months, so it really shows the stuff I was first experimenting with. I still wanted to submit this map so I can learn from the feedback of the community and grow to make better maps.
edited Aug 15, 2012
said Aug 14, 2012
Like the map but dislike the chest part. You have to be incredibly precise with the hits. Gave up on trying to SS it :(
said Aug 14, 2012
I also aborted on the chests.  The concentration of unfun is TOO DAMN HIGH there.
said Aug 14, 2012
I guess I'm the only one who didn't find the chest hover bad? Honestly that part isn't that bad...
The only problem I had was hitting the death zone in the lava when I felt like I clearly didn't touch it at all.

It is a bit on the long side, but I think it is one of the better maps I've played.
said Aug 14, 2012
I tried to line up the death zones right in line with the lava. So that if you touched the lava, you died. I think though I should've moved them down just a little bit.
said Aug 14, 2012
A lot of things bug me about this map. The chests (though once you get it down you can do it fairly consistently), the dust-wallrun part after that (I can't seem to get enough height on the last jump to reach the dust-ceiling) and there are two to three really annoying blind spots (one that will kill you on your first time through).
said Aug 14, 2012
I'll have to agree with Krankdud about the chest part. That was pretty trivial. The part right after it was more of a pain with the short legs of Dustkid. =)

Oh, and I did try it a bit with Dustworth after SS:ing it with Purply, but I didn't manage to find a nice way to get past the chests. It's probably possible though.
edited Aug 14, 2012
said Aug 14, 2012
Well if anyone could have did it as Dustworth, it definitely would have been you. I'm still astounded by your Dustkid run. I think the main reason my levels aren't Dustkid compatible is merely the fact that am terrible at using the character.
said Aug 15, 2012
Holy crap, nice run!
said Aug 15, 2012
The chest part is doable on dustworth if you spend a long time farming the chest jewelry for the super triple jump... but thats trivial, and also painful if you end up dying after and need to re-farm...  
Without doing that its really difficult, Dustworth has the problem where his forward momentum on his dash sucks compared to dustman/girl and his light attack is so slow that he has trouble juggling the chests in the air for the complete duration (and he gains a ton of height to hit the ceiling spikes).  
When I was trying, I got the furthest by starting with a down light to get the first chest in the air and on each of the last hits letting the chest drop and killing them with down attacks and got pretty close, so it might be possible, but its ridiculously precise.
edited Aug 15, 2012
said Aug 16, 2012
Right, there we go. Dustworth conquers the chests. =)

And I completely forgot to mention in my first comment that I really liked the map.
I don't mind a longer level every now and then and certainly not when it looks great like this one. The chest area probably could have been better with some tweaking, but it was fun figuring out how to get past it with Dustworth, so I'm not complaining. =)
said Aug 15, 2012
Wow.  After watching Ted's run and Marksel's any%, kinda sad that I gave up on the chests.  It's a gorgeous map, especially for a first try, just a little hard up front.
said Aug 15, 2012
Finally SS'ed it today.  Really enjoyed the map, very nice decorations.  I don't really understand the chest complaints either.  Its just like any other tough section on a map; practice/drill it until you can do it consistently.  I feel like its certainly less fickle than a lot of other mechanics (say, Peta jumps); especially since you can time a short jump instead of a dash after the 2nd chest if you're not getting enough distance.  After playing through it a lot, it reminds me a bunch of Night Temple (albeit harder/longer).
said Feb 12, 2014
One of the best maps on Atlas.

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