owo whats this

by DustLewds
created May 21, 2017
303 views | 599 downloads

/ 5 votes

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map notes
easy map that's the product of me messing around with the map editor for the first time.


said May 21, 2017
looks great! make more please!
edited May 22, 2017
Shin Rekkoha
said May 22, 2017
Are you enjoying the game?  How far are you in the stock maps?
said May 23, 2017
The game's alot of fun. I'm currently rounding up silver key maps, and struggling with the occasional gold key map. I did SS Ancient Garden however.
said May 22, 2017
This is pretty well made for a first map.  Three things I would suggest for the future:

1) It's a little odd seeing virtual dust on earth-y tiles, and then going underground (or up in the air) to see wallpaper.  Try to keep visual themes a bit more consistent.

2) The first time through, I did the map backwards (until I got to the section in the bottom right) because I just wasn't sure where to go.  A few arrows or other indicators would've helped immensely.

3) There are two 'nope-boosts' right away in the beginning of the map.  Unless you are explicitly wanting these, it's generally not a good idea to use them.  If you're not familiar with that term, it means a 45 degree decline just before a pit of some kind, so that if you have any kind of speed boost the decline will sling you down into the pit.

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