The Subterranes

by Bbop800
created May 18, 2017
382 views | 1572 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
You got lost in a really dusty cave and now you gotta get out. That's the story.

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My first non-virtual map since 2014! I forgot how long these took to make. Tried to be a little more creative with the enemies, instead of making everything a one-shot.

Special thanks to Indapop for the helpful feedback and improving the camera!

retagged May 21, 2017

1 comment

said May 22, 2017
Gameplay: Everything was great... except for the blind drop into a slope, **especially** because you have a chance of hitting the spikes (which I did) and ruining a good run. Also the ending feels a bit empty.

Visually its really nice and there is some awesome detail. In the wooden interior section it was a bit hard to distinguish foreground from background though.

Good overall map and it was fun to play ^_^

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