Glow Mountain

by BatElite
created Oct 6, 2016
431 views | 3545 downloads

/ 8 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Map started around and possibly for CMR 28, although it wasn't ready in time gameplay-wise. Worked on it a bit off and on for a while and finally finished it over the last few days since I started playing again a few weeks ago. I might make more things if I feel like it.

- ~30 seconds long.
- 1 secret and 2 "secrets"
- Trees.
- Mountains.


Probably not Towelie
said Oct 6, 2016
fun but I have no clue how to do the part with the porcupine
said Oct 6, 2016
I got confused there too.  I made it through with some obnoxious spike jumping, but I can't imagine that was intended.
said Oct 7, 2016
Theres a light brown patch of layer 19 that took me a while to notice. Maybe thats what youre missing
said Oct 8, 2016
I found the height of the camera made for a laggy experience the entire time. Made it difficult to react to sudden changes.

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