Ravaged Ramparts

by aSwedishMagyar
created Apr 15, 2016
455 views | 3572 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
If you haven't noticed I like making my map titles using silly alliterations. This map came to mind after I played some dark souls 3 and really liked the large scale architecture in there. Probably looks nothing like it but I just wanted to make something at least sort of similar. Probably around 45 sec long.

I should have streamed this map considering it took me only an hour and a half to make but oh well. Speaking of which, do you guys like watching map-making streams or are you more interested in people doing runs?

Thanks to indapop for looking it over last second and giving some good tips on gameplay.

Edit: More like exactly 45 sec long.
edited Apr 15, 2016


said Apr 15, 2016
probably one of my favorite atlas maps, going to have to grind a run on this at some point.
said Apr 15, 2016
I like map-making streams, Dough left quite a gap there.
Also, that little background thing with the custom made tree is really nice !
said Apr 15, 2016
Thanks! But I can't really take credit for it as I stole the idea from one of Mearks maps.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 15, 2016
...I stream when I make maps...
said Apr 15, 2016
Feel better now?
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 15, 2016
Yes :)  I feel fantastic, thanks for asking.
said Apr 15, 2016
Even if you "stole" the idea, it still requires some effort to do it :)
@ Shin: I watched you making maps a few times in the past, lately I got a bit lazy tho. Different timezones might also be a thing, iirc Doughs streaming times were quite convenient for me. I'll try to drop by !
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 15, 2016
We all stole assets from Hitbox Team to make these maps with our illegal map steal software.
said Apr 15, 2016
Lol nobody has guessed where the fog trigger came from. All the one's that I do myself have the "can't see shit" stamp of approval.

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