
by kill the dustbinary
created Mar 14, 2016
432 views | 3480 downloads

/ 7 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
if you are not nighthawk or me and you are reading this: commit suicide immediately
edited Feb 21


said Mar 14, 2016
I might have ragequit, nice level though
said Mar 14, 2016
watched your replay, holy shit this is amazing
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 15, 2016
thanks! :p
said Mar 14, 2016
How do I do this!
said Mar 14, 2016
I played some of this, enough to know that you didn't flip some of your checkpoints.  Flip your checkpoints.
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 15, 2016
oops, didn't even realise you could, i'll keep that in mind for future maps. thanks, and nice job getting dustkid on there!
said Mar 15, 2016
Sadly it's mouse button 4 or something like that that some people don't even have decent access to.  I think it's missed in like 1/3rd of stock map positions too.  I miss it on my own maps as well.  The only reason I complain in this specific case is the first move I made is a dash, and I would accidentally dash into the wall sometimes.

That dustkid is hard, specifically the jump after the jorf, and I'm pretty sure I will never SS this level because of it.  If the map ended at me just making the jorf, then I would.
said Mar 14, 2016
welp I think I missed the main mechanic entirely
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 15, 2016
yeah... i couldn't figure out a good way to force the mechanic, and text boxes didn't feel right, so i kinda figured this would happen, my bad :(. you made it work, though, which is pretty amazing.
said Mar 14, 2016
Well... at least I got to the end :3  Cool mechanic once you break the old muscle memory for wanting to attack things haha.
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 15, 2016
with a photo finish, too!
said Mar 15, 2016
That last mapler destroys me, I feel like I've gotten within a pixel of it but I've only gotten it so far with the jorf.  I'll probably try to figure it out again sometime though.
said Mar 14, 2016
said Mar 15, 2016
What an insane map Anand. Took me a while to figure out the dustblock to ceiling run mechanic. Very cool stuff!
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 15, 2016
dang, really nice run!
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 16, 2016
Yes hello my name is Shin.
kill the dustbinary
said Mar 17, 2016
purely coincidental, i just (lazily) name my maps based on whatever song i'm listening to when i start making them ( )
said Mar 16, 2016
Ugh, I suck at this level but it's somehow so satisfying to try.
said May 13, 2016
kill the dustbinary
said May 14, 2016

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