My Dog Just Farted

by Shin Rekkoha
created Feb 28, 2016
513 views | 3639 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
<ratingus> he was probably listening to some devein townsend or something prog metal with harsh vocals.
<ratingus> you're clearly a subhuman creature who doesnt understand music at its most fundamental level.

Why does she fart all the time?  Here I am just trying to make a nice brown map, and she makes the whole room smell brown.  Bad dog: stop having bodily functions!

Nobody tested this map aside from me, so you can be sure it sucks.  That said, I did get some helpful ideas from people watching my stream: so hey, it was a team effort.  We did it guys.

Recommended Music:
retagged Apr 22, 2016


said Feb 28, 2016
I did it!
Last Hope
said Feb 28, 2016
Great Job!
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 28, 2016
I got my dog some new toys since she's been such a good girl.
said Feb 28, 2016

No directional inputs :]
edited Feb 28, 2016
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 28, 2016
Nice meme.
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 29, 2016
Do people even like levels this small?  By that I mean conventional maps and not arena maps, but still bound to a single screen or close to it.  I think they encourage more optimization personally.
said Feb 29, 2016
I do like these quite a bit.
said Feb 29, 2016
I certainly do. And based on ratings it would seem quite a few others do as well. :)
Shin Rekkoha
said Mar 1, 2016
Eh, there's just something more believable about real responses compared to meaningless numbers.  I already started another one of these maps.

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