
by zlb3507
created Feb 16, 2016
266 views | 3301 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 4 votes


map notes
Level Design Course - 2D Platformer


Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 16, 2016
I think you need to re-take this course.  Playing the game in question before making a level in it is a prerequisite.  You get an F for the semester.
said Feb 16, 2016
Shin: Welcoming all new mappers since 2014.
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 17, 2016
See me after class.  We'll be having a parent teacher conference.
said Feb 16, 2016
i like it, though some parts are a little awkward
said Feb 16, 2016
Hi indapop,

Thanks for the feedback. I recently bought this game during the Steam Lunar New Year Sale for its level editor to use for the course. This is my first level using the editor, and its first iteration. Although I did do some testing as I built the level to make sure the player can at least collect all of the leaves while maintaining momentum, I can agree that at some points I couldn't get the feel quite right on the curvature. Do you mind pointing out any parts you found were a bit "awkward", and do you have any advice for making smoother curves, or is it just not possible to maintain momentum down a curve like you can up one?

Luke's Cat
said Feb 16, 2016
Pretty good for a first level.
said Feb 16, 2016
Thanks! I published this first iteration here in hopes to get some good feedback in time for the final iteration due next week.
said Feb 16, 2016
Cool map.  Was fun to figure out
said Feb 20, 2016
Thanks! I tried to create a variety of segments that explored the game mechanics as I had learned them.
said Feb 16, 2016
Not bad for a first map. I would suggest trying to work on something a little smaller in scale. It's easier to refine the gameplay and figure out what works etc.. Good luck!
said Feb 20, 2016
Thanks for the advice! As part of the assignment, we needed some 2D side-scrolling action, however I can see that the same segments I used for this level may have been better executed in a more compact setting and would be easier to micro-manage.
said Feb 17, 2016
Hey, its a pretty nice map but its obvious that youre not too familiar with the game yet. I made some convenience and minor gameplay changes with explanations to make it flow a bit better.

Let me know if you want me to do cameras and some background stuff as well. Good Luck!
said Feb 20, 2016
Wow, thanks for taking the time to do this for me!
I was able to check out your suggestions and edits just now and I can where you're coming from on every point. Your suggestions on dust placement especially make a lot of sense, and through testing it myself, visibly improve the flow.

I would hate for you to do any more work on my behalf, so instead of doing the cameras and background for me, could you please provide me with some pointers or best practices that I could follow?

Thanks again for all your help!
said Feb 20, 2016
Additionally, sorry for all the late replies everyone!

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