Night and Day

by Leap
created Jul 22, 2015
679 views | 801 downloads

/ 21 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
TL;DR It can be completed by every char in ~45 sec, has 2 different path. one for SS  and one for Any%, features  Winter and Spring.

I've used the hitbox map "devclip" as base for this map, as  far as I know, it has only been used for this trailer:       

I made the thumbnail of this map, the original is available here:

About the Mapmaking Contest
I've had this map on my hard disk for quite some time and I would have left it to sleep for a while but
I think it would not be a competition if there's only 1 participant.

Big Thanks to:

Snow, Teh_jew, Hunfinho for testing     

Krankdud for the key inject script(I removed a gold key from the map), the python script is available here:  

Props to those that can find how many old men are hidden in the lvl
edited Jul 22, 2015


said Jul 22, 2015
That trailer also had foreground fading from translucent to visible, something that as far as i know isn't actually possible in the editor. :(
said Jul 22, 2015
said Jul 22, 2015
Was going to give a high score because I enjoyed the any%, but then I watched a top time and saw that there's a hidden route negating any routing fun on the normal route.  2/5
said Jul 22, 2015
Did you read the descripiton of the map?     

"TL,DR[...]has 2 different path. one for SS  and one for Any%"    

it is not even the first time that i do 2 different paths in my maps.
said Jul 22, 2015
I think he meant he would prefer to any% this map on the SS route rather than having a pre made boost spam any% route
said Jul 22, 2015
solid level, some parts were awkward flow wise (the start and random forced super right before the end of the level comes to mind) but was enjoyable and looked very very nice
said Jul 22, 2015
SS route has a great flow, Theres a lot of details that make certain sections a lot easier than they look. Really cool!
edited Jul 22, 2015
said Jul 22, 2015
said Jul 22, 2015
Fixed the typo, sorry!
said Jul 23, 2015
i don't really get how this map ties into the seasons theme.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 23, 2015
I liked the map more or less, until it devolved into Night Temple Except Worse With Angled Illegal Blocks  Everywhere.  Once that happened, I didn't even want to finish the map.
said Jul 23, 2015
That section is actually 10 times easier than night temple, it was designed to flow.   
If you hold up  during the 1st ceiling run, you will jump directly to the 3rd wall,
 then just press right and up and dm will go from wallrun to ceiling run (2nd ceiling) to the right.
said Jul 26, 2015
yes someone used "devclip" to make a level!! =D    always loved that one <3<3
nice flow =]
said Jun 20, 2023
Your levels are perfectly balanced. Thanks a lot!

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