created Jun 27, 2015
582 views | 583 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
I sincerely wish you luck on ssing this level. I'll personally see to it that exactly 5 fish are sent to you if you ss this level. These levels are probably only going to get harder as I get better at making them.


said Jun 27, 2015
This is coming from probably the most casual Dustforce player on Atlas, but coating everything in spikes and sticking some prisms in doesn't really make a fun level, or even a hard level. It makes an annoying level. Regardless of difficulty, what people look for in a level is at least semi-decent flow, and hovering around whacking prisms doesn't give that, especially if you have to be slow doing because there's spikes two inches in every direction.
Luke's Cat
said Jun 27, 2015
That part where I spread dust awkwardly. Nope, Nope, Nope.
said Jun 27, 2015
fish fish fish fish fish
said Jun 27, 2015
would SS if the teradrop wasnt in this.
kill the dustbinary
said Jun 27, 2015
Honestly, without the tera drop this level isn't particularly difficult and flows reasonably well. Even the room with the forced dust spread has a fairly elegant fast solution.
said Jun 27, 2015
And the tera drop is just begging to be worked around
said Jun 28, 2015
I liked your first map much better
said Jun 28, 2015
Gotta agree with homeburger. You have pretty good spatial understanding but these levels feel kinda bland. I don't believe it's necessarily the lack of decorating but moreso in the way you limit the playstyle with spike maze designs. I'd suggest looking into how the difficults are constructed or other popular challenging customs for a more open feel.

EDIT: Beginning was pretty fun tho.
edited Jun 28, 2015
said Jun 28, 2015
Blind drop to start, pretty bad visibility, but not terrible. Learn what makes a challenging map, not one that is hard for the sake of being hard. If you can't SS your own map, it probably means you shouldn't submit it.
said Jul 4, 2015
not sadistic enough!!!
said Jul 5, 2015
I SS'd this with the Tera drop and didn't cheese it. I want my fish damn't :x
said Jul 5, 2015
fish fish?
said Jul 17, 2015
Where are my fish?

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