
by ManishJ
created May 6, 2015
494 views | 629 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
A map that I tried to create that is heavily inspired by the game Journey


Shin Rekkoha
said May 6, 2015
said May 6, 2015
Yes , but I already spent too much time making/designing the level .This was only level 1 from Journey.Next time I will try to make it more beautiful for the level 2.
Shin Rekkoha
said May 6, 2015
:)  You got dis m8.
said May 6, 2015
Alright map, but could have used some playtesting. In particular, at least one of the enemies at the ending is not linked to the ending trigger which can result in accidentally finishing the level early.
said May 6, 2015
You did some neat stuff with just tiles, you'll make some great stuff once you start using props too

Pity the zetta nope though
said May 6, 2015
Thanks ! :)
said May 6, 2015
My zetta practice allowed me to take it, is a miracle.
said May 6, 2015
Overall I kinda like it.

There are a few things that don't work so well though. For example, the Zetta Slope near the beginning doesn't work as intended :( The slope is too high for you to latch on.

Also the big dustblock drop down section where you have to be right in the middle of it or you miss dust is not so nice :p

But other than that it's pretty fun!

Looks alright too!

Really nice camera work also
edited May 6, 2015
said May 6, 2015
The scale of everything and flow reminds me a lot of journey, quite enjoyed it!
said May 6, 2015
Thanks ! :)
anu arora
said May 7, 2015
Nicely Designed..!
Shin Rekkoha
said May 7, 2015
I uh, saw quite a few people were pulling their hair out while playing this map,.

A lot of the layout elements are just bad/clunky or doesn't work.  Example: The HUUUGE loop of dust near the end just doesn't work for anyone.  90% of people are using their Super there just to not deal with it.

I'm sure your next map will be better, and I think most of the improvement will just come from playtesting your map more and maybe getting one other person to test it as well.  That broken Zetta slope would've been spotted instantly if anyone else tested your map.
said May 7, 2015
Yeah someone already mentioned the 2 pitfalls before, I thought I am not able pull out the zetta slope,played it only 1-2 times,next time will test more.
said May 7, 2015
Thanks Anu !
said May 8, 2015
Lots of potential, good ideas and rookie mistakes.

Art: It could have used some parallax stuff and background tiles, unfortunately you didnt develop it further: overall it is impressive what you have built with just layer 19.


1)Great camerawork

2)the fall with dustblocks is finnicky.

3)At the end of the map you didnt link all the enemies to the end flag, the turkey at the bottom and the top one aren't linked.
Link them all at the end flag next time.

Ask to someone in the community to test your map next time:
edited May 8, 2015
said May 8, 2015
Yeah I wanted to keep the look extremely clean like that in the game Journey ,and I wasnot able to figure out how to put one Giant mountain (sort of) in the background ,will see if I can do something with it next time.

It was fussy because it was huge and player usually wants to fall freely with movement ,seeing a dustblock immediately you get focussed to fall in one line only , also there was a tiny camera/build mistake in the beginning of the fall

I didnot know about linking , I thought linking only one would be enough ,this was my first map ,also I didnt want the end to be that way ,I though of a massive jump from one end to the other , but most players covered it up with the help of ending combo ,which finished the level.

I am glad you noticed the camera :)

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