Derelict Facility

by videohead
created Apr 21, 2015
448 views | 662 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
You thought your job was to clean the facility... but now you find yourself trapped in its depths. Try to escape!
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said Apr 21, 2015
Elevating to new heights
said Apr 22, 2015
Derelicte. So hot right now.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 22, 2015
Needs more giant robots in the background Kappa.
said Apr 22, 2015
I came up with the theme for this map on my own kappa
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 22, 2015
This map is clearly not a ripperino offerino despite the tag.  But, they do say imitation is the highest form of flattery.  Hitbox team be praised.
edited Apr 22, 2015
said Apr 22, 2015
welp, guess i'm stuck down here
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 22, 2015
No one mentioned that you fall forever if you go left at the start.  Map seems to be missing some death zones.  There is really no reason not to drag incredibly long skinny death zones around the perimeter of every map you make.

The camera also needs some work.  It's impossible to see the corner of the first slope where it ends and meets level ground from the air, you're almost sure to miss that boost the first time you play until you memorize it.  A slightly better angled path, or an interest node to start pulling it down earlier, could've fixed that easily.  Similar camera issues elsewhere.
said Apr 22, 2015
the only one that i found annoying was the start of the last slope. missed that one like 30% of the time because its blind
said May 23, 2015
1st try ss

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