
by Riokaii
created Apr 18, 2015
549 views | 747 downloads

/ 7 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
I made this map to show off slantboost floors and ceilings. The walls were kinda an experiment too, and then it looked like window curtains. That's about as far as my brain went for this map. No idea how well it plays, no promises.
retagged Apr 18, 2015


said Apr 18, 2015
This is what Dustforce is all about.
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 18, 2015
said Apr 18, 2015
I don't understand the concept? What is the floor and ceiling supposed to do?
said Apr 18, 2015
yeah i dont get why the walls and especially the floor are shaped the way they are but whatever i got a relatively good time so therefore this map must be amazing
Shin Rekkoha
said Apr 18, 2015
I tried to explain this to bird.  He literally put the gimmick of his gimmick map entirely out of the way, and it has no bearing on completion of the map.
said Apr 19, 2015
my brain did not think very far for this map.
said Apr 19, 2015
He could've went the fireball method of making gimmick maps, where only the gimmick stands between you and the single prism you hope to defeat.
said Apr 18, 2015
Yeah, I don't think that the floors/walls/ceiling impact the map in any way.
said Apr 18, 2015
the floor makes it possible to dash from the ground straight into the air making dash canceling heavys sort of annoying but that's about it. the walls are entirely irrelevant

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