old cave temple

by Autority
created Mar 14, 2015
510 views | 714 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
Just a simple run in a cave. I hope it works.. Perhaps someone will find hard some cameras, but in my opinion they are ok. At least we are just talking about an easy level...


said Mar 14, 2015
Wow this is a beautiful huge stage! Really like the outside part

I played it with keyboard (I'm a controller player, but I couldn't use it) so idk what to say about the gameplay but it reminds me Night Temple in some parts... it's should be good for sure!
said Mar 14, 2015
said Mar 14, 2015
Nice map! I really like the artwork all around, and the route is pretty good too.

The only thing I didn't really like were the Night Temple-esque jumps at the top of the level. A couple were spaced just far enough apart that I couldn't seem to make the jump as dustman without boosting or ledge jumping. Otherwise, I had fun.
said Mar 14, 2015
I played this level only with the dustkidd: i dont think it's possible with the other characters. But sure someone will show me i'm wrong. :)
said Mar 14, 2015
I think you need a ground boost at some point or a super (with dustman)
said Mar 14, 2015
Yes i had to use a super
said Mar 14, 2015
I managed to make it without a super, amazing map!
said Mar 15, 2015
I watched your performance... You got to be kidding me!!! WOW!! You are amazing, superb. Thank you!
said Mar 15, 2015
haha thanks! I might have even improved it since you watched it now :D

Really really like the map, one of my favorites !
said Mar 15, 2015
Map's a bit too long for my taste but, overall, it's really good.

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