Autumn Plain

by Giamma
created Mar 6, 2015
648 views | 903 downloads

/ 25 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
My second attempt to make a "flow map", and like Flora it's pretty linear...hope you enjoy!

For the visuals I re-used the theme of my first map. For the gameplay I took inspiration and copied from these maps:

- To The Castle by Liafen (the beginning is the same, I love how his map starts);

- Ruined Temple by czulki;

- Graveyard Shift by Meark;

- Scorched Earth 2 by spiceman;

There is a secret and some Matt's faces.
edited Mar 6, 2015


said Mar 6, 2015
The very beginning was a bit awkward, but the rest was cool.  Just wish it had a little more length though.
said Mar 6, 2015
Thanks! If it helps and if the problem is the first slope, the first intende action that you have to do is a dash and then downdash. I kinda like start with a dash, I did the same in Flora.

About the lenght: probably the best lenght for flow maps is around 15 seconds imo and I tried to reach that goal but (like in Flora) I hadn't any other ideas and I didn't want add "filler" parts. I wanted that the map was always fast.
If I'll make another one it will be longer for sure tho!
edited Mar 6, 2015
Probably not Towelie
said Mar 6, 2015
Really like the spaces between the platforms and how they make it much easier to figure out the correct dash sequence. The one in the beginning is a bit weird but it fits just as well as the others so no complaints really, also the background looks beautiful.
said Mar 6, 2015
Thanks Towelie! Glad to hear that, I changed a lot of times the spaces between the platforms.
said Mar 6, 2015
I like it, it's fast and flows pretty solidly for how fast you're going

Edit: agreed with the other comments i wish it was longer and less linear/Allowed for more creativity, Also wish it had an any% route.
said Mar 6, 2015
Well I was focused on the main route and I didn't think about the rest.
said Mar 6, 2015
I was going to say this reminded me of czulki, so the inspiration makes sense. Fun. Good secrets, too.
said Mar 6, 2015
I leik
Game play is fun although as others have said its very linear. Graphically it is also good. This is one of the best uses of the (IMHO) somewhat ugly brown dirt i have seen. Nice detail with the mushrooms and such.

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