A stormy night

by DustCreep
created Dec 6, 2014
597 views | 964 downloads

/ 33 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Big thanks to Wazzy and ratingus for some testing !
retagged Nov 29, 2015


said Dec 6, 2014
amazing map, love the lightning
said Dec 6, 2014
<3 lightning
said Dec 6, 2014
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 6, 2014
*Eagerly awaits Lightning's comment*
said Dec 6, 2014
May I ask why I got 1/5 twice ?
I'm not mad or something, but I'd like to know the reason...
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 6, 2014
At least one person 1/5s every map on Atlas.  I watch it happen to other maps as well as my own.  I for one really like this concept, but then you knocked it out of the park by incorporating grass to light on fire and props that become visible after the strikes.  It's a 5/5 idea, executed well.  The only slight issue is that exploring the tops of some of the early sections reveals rain appearing out of nowhere, due to the height of the emitters.  Atlas ratings are more or less worthless tbh.
said Dec 6, 2014
I guess comments are more important after all.
Thanks for the feedback !
said Dec 6, 2014
I don't think I'll ever be able to pull of the 3/4 circle loops so many maps use.
said Dec 6, 2014
Try to get speed with a slopeboost. Then just use your arrow keys like -> ^ <-.

If you don't have enough speed, You can use a jump in the loop(on the ceiling, not the wall).
said Dec 6, 2014
Awesome map.

Although I did prefer the previous version's final climb compared to this one. Feels like there was more room to "go pro" with heavy attacks there.
said Dec 6, 2014
Sorry Wazzy, when that idea with the lightnings setting things on fire came to me, there was no place for a big moon anymore.
I think I'll give that moon concept it's own map, maybe my first arena map.
said Dec 6, 2014
Oh I meant the climb up the rocks, not the moon itself (which was also really cool). It felt like it was less one dimensional. There isn't really too much you can vary, strategy wise, in this one for the climb.

Lightning setting things on fire is really cool though. I know I'll never be that good at the editor :p
said Dec 6, 2014
I get you now.
I know I'll never be that good at actually playing the game ^^
said Dec 7, 2014
DUSTCREEP! This is so damn cool. 5/5
said Dec 7, 2014
thanks a lot!
said Dec 7, 2014
This is really awesome
said Dec 7, 2014
Thanks Tinker, I really appreciate your comments.
said Dec 11, 2014
Beautiful map! Love the lighting effect.
said May 23, 2015
One of my favorites. :D

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