sky fall

by overtoast
created Nov 26, 2014
343 views | 615 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
first try at making a map. some dark rainy platforming


Probably not Towelie
said Nov 26, 2014
deathzones are too high for this kind of a map, one of them prevents you from clearing some dustblocks underneath a platform.
said Nov 26, 2014
towelie took the words right out of my mouth
said Nov 26, 2014
Fun map! But don't use a deathzone to enforce a certain route. The rest I enjoyed playing, nice job.
said Nov 26, 2014
I fell into deathzones too many times trying to find the exit.
said Nov 26, 2014
thanks for all the feedback everyone. definitely too heavy-handed with the deathzones.
Shin Rekkoha
said Nov 26, 2014
I personally try to line up my death zones just past the edge of the camera.  So right as the player jumps too far out of the map or falls just past the camera threshold, that's when they die.  Then it never feels cheap.

EDIT:  Or, put some indicator where the deathzones will be, like lasers or a lava pit, etc.
edited Nov 26, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Nov 26, 2014
I mean, your routing was great, really nice feel to it, but the deathzones were far too close.
said Nov 28, 2014
The deathzones wouldn't have been so bad if you could actually tell where to go after clearing the dustblocks.
said Nov 26, 2014
No complaints from me, closer prisms at the end that allows for 1 heavy would be cool though. Enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would for some reason. 5/5.
said Nov 26, 2014
You can 1 heavy them as dustgirl...
said Nov 27, 2014
I don't mean being capable to 1 heavy, i mean having it REASONABLE to 1 heavy. Thats a totally different concept.
said Nov 27, 2014
Echoing what others have already said, but there shouldn't be deathzones in areas where you could still reasonably recover from. They should only kick in once there's no hope of recovery.

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