
by Foxglove
created Oct 28, 2014
842 views | 711 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
I finally finished my map after putting it off because of school. Thank you for my testers and helpers: Shury, Yumbunz, Hourglass, Jersey, Eklipz, Typhios, and Ryu. If I missed anyone, I apologize. I am currently sick and feverish. It is a bit harder than my last map and areas will feel awkward for some people. I tried to make it fair and challenging at the same time. I also added secrets in the map. So, I hope you have fun finding them :] I hope you enjoy it!

Please read my description first before commenting because you could be just repeating what I have already acknowledged about my map. Also some advice on how to make things better instead of just spewing out what is wrong with it and give no feedback at all with, at least, an explanation that is helpful.
edited Oct 29, 2014


Probably not Towelie
said Oct 28, 2014
It's a good map but i think it's the kind of map dustkid will be best on, especially that last bit. Couldn't get past it with dustman without using up my super.
said Oct 28, 2014
said Oct 28, 2014
I had trouble getting into the zip with dustman. Also, camera zoom makes me feel bad.
said Oct 28, 2014
There's no part requiring super. Are you talking about the walls at the end? I put in a replay of an intended route run for dustman if you want to view it here. dustforce://installPlay/4137/

Jumping directly into the zip may not work.

There is also a way to cheese the section but that involves retaining an air charge.
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 28, 2014
That's a bit better, but an arrow or two might have been in order (I'm not the routing kind of person so I don't come up with the right strats ever).
said Oct 28, 2014
Oh, a arrow would've help? That makes sense. Sorry about it being confusing :(
said Oct 28, 2014
Which zip Lightning? In what way does the camera zoom make you feel bad?
said Oct 28, 2014
The last zip. Watch my replay. You can't jump into it. Camera zoom just makes it feel very congested.
said Oct 28, 2014
Was definitely a lack of foresight in the approach that would be taken. Intended way was for a wall ride up so spikes should have been placed where the red circle is.
said Oct 29, 2014
There is NO lack of foresight Hourglass.
said Oct 29, 2014
Lightning: Ahh okay, I didn't know people would try to jump into the zip. The people who tested it never told me about that issue. They only commented on the confusion with how they were supposed to climb the area before the zip. Arrows would have helped, but someone said they didn't like arrows. I can zoom out the camera and re-upload the map again.
said Oct 28, 2014
Sweet map.
said Oct 28, 2014
it's a pretty good map, but some sections are really awkward/slightly difficult for a map as long as this one.  last zip is pretty easy to mess up (you can check my replay, i miss it two times in a row).  background is also a bit too bright imo, hurts my eyes and the color certain parts of it looks too similar to virtual dust.
said Oct 28, 2014
The sky is too bright? Ahh okay, I understand about the dust.

And I did say in my description that some parts will feel awkward. Well is there a better way to make so that it would be easier to get into the zip?

Did you try lowering your screen brightness so that it wouldn't hurt your eyes or is it still too bright even with your brightness is still lowered? I do understand the dust problem. Where the golden color is blending both the prism and the background. I somehow missed that part. No one else noticed the issue either when they tested the map. So I guess it's just something that was overlooked.

I'll keep that in mind.
edited Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 28, 2014
NoobSlayer pretty much sums it up, it's a little bit on the long side for the somewhat awkward sections and sky is not only bright but prisms blend into it as well as dust. I also personally got a bit confused by the jagged parts of the tileset you used in conjuction with the spikes. Pretty fun to play through though even if not to grind a time on

EDIT: The end would be so much better as only one prism, would let you use your super in a creative way during the level.
edited Oct 28, 2014
said Oct 29, 2014
I can give you an alternate version of the map where there is only one prism at the end and you can super the way you want or I can just delete this map and upload a new one with what you want instead.
edited Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 29, 2014
i think that it's fine the way it is just something to think about to make a map more interesting in the future.
said Oct 28, 2014
camera is much too zoomed in. at 45s in to my replay i have no idea where to go because theres no dust on screen to lead me. background looks like foreground in several places.

The section before the 2nd zip at the end is complete ass. the pirsms and dust and spikes are all annoying, and you can't enter the zip easily at all
edited Oct 28, 2014
said Oct 28, 2014
There is definitely a lack of foresight to place spikes in the area circled red as the intended way was for people to dash and run up as shown in this picture. However, the intended way should be able to work all the time.
said Oct 28, 2014
Jump earlier on last zip.  I notice you put no effort into learning the strats, or getting a good time Bird.  Yet you put effort into comments like this.  It's easy to be consistent on last zip.  Git gud, even Jersey can do it :P
said Oct 29, 2014
The first part of your comment is somewhat helpful until you get to the second part.

"the pirsms and dust and spikes are all annoying"

Your negative comment is annoying. All your comments have been negative and annoying. Just don't play my maps if you can't  write an appropriate criticism without adding unnecessary negativity, let alone give a thorough explanation of why and how you are having trouble. It's not that hard to tell me...I don't know...(specific)ways to make the map better? Or maybe.. just maybe..give advice on how to do better next time?

"The section before the 2nd zip at the end is a complete ass"

That was very insightful of you and helped me out a lot. Now I know that you don't like that section and it is a butt (although I didn't really see that it was suppose to be a butt or looked like one until now). Great. Now what?

I don't come on here expecting everyone to like what I create. I know not everyone will like these maps and I will never EVER please everyone with everything. I create maps and see if what I make works and if not, then (hopefully) they can give some explanation on how I can make it better because that is what atlas is, supposed to be (or I would think), for: feedback. Unless I am mistaken.

It seems like you also need to learn how to write a good criticism as well as I need to learn how to make better maps.

If you honestly don't even like my maps, find them annoying, etc. then why do you even make the effort to download and play them and then just get frustrated at the mistakes that I have made and then proceed to tell me about it? What purpose does that have? Seriously. You know my maps aren't great, so why even play them at all?

Were you perfect when you first started playing the game? Or did it take you some time to learn how to play the game? And how about your maps?

It is sad, really. I sympathize. Poop.

edited Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 28, 2014
I don't know what the hell you are all on about...  "Zoomed in too far", "sky too bright", "awkward/difficult"?  It's a well decorated map, and was fun to play.  We all loved the stock levels, which required learning and tweaking strats.  However, when it comes to atlas, we all want that perfect flow that fits our own strats so we can ezpz 1-minute SS.  Even slow JerseyMilker can learn and SS this level with little effort, what's wrong with it?  Don't answer that.  This atlas is so dang negative.

I had fun. 4.5/5.  Thank you for the great map.  The atlas needs more of these.
edited Oct 28, 2014
said Oct 28, 2014
Orange on somewhat orange-ish sky makes it difficult to see in some instances, but other than that, amazingly well made map. Excellent all around. I agree with JerseyMilker.
said Oct 29, 2014
Yea, I overlooked that part. Though nobody seemed to notice that issue when they were testing it. Maybe you can help test too in the future.
said Oct 28, 2014
wait so according to shury you go to UCSD, foxglove! i go to UCSD too!
said Oct 29, 2014
Yea I do. Shury told me that you go there too.

He also told me that you started/part of a Japanese club on campus? Funny thing is.. my class starts at 5pm in Center Hall.. the same time you start your meetings. So there is a possibility that we have passed by one another and never noticed.
edited Oct 29, 2014
said Oct 29, 2014
Forgot to comment my rating, 4/5 good map got first to show you i liked it, my run highlights the parts that are a little awkward fairly well too
said Oct 30, 2014
if you'd like, send me a pm on reddit (/u/voxanimus) or an email to with your name! i'd love to meet up with you.

and bengarrr too, if you're reading this
said Nov 3, 2014
Sorry for the late reply. I am swamped with midterms and assignments.
said Oct 5, 2024
this maps my goat

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