Meu mundo 2

by Brilhante
created Oct 27, 2014
421 views | 588 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 2 votes

map notes
is a test map!


said Oct 27, 2014
I am planning to chart well prepared with this scheme!
Please test the map even though it is very short.
said Oct 27, 2014
This is very frustrating to play
said Oct 27, 2014
You somehow made it even harder to see the level. Please stop posting maps until you get someone to help you learn
said Oct 27, 2014
Pretty cool idea but it is a little bit annoying to play :p You'll have to use this mechanic just right if you want to get a good rating on a new map though
Probably not Towelie
said Oct 27, 2014
Em português:
O que você pode fazer é fazer um nível tipo labirinto que você vê como você é suposto para progredir através dele e então ele vai escuro e você só tem a lanterna para trás (na camada 1 ou 2) que ilumina os blocos que podem ser executados em. Dessa forma, é preciso tanto essa idéia ea última que você fez e as combina em algo que as pessoas possam desfrutar. Traduz Google não vai ser gentil com a minha dicção por isso peço desculpas antecipadamente por qualquer confusão.

In English:
What you can do is make a maze type level that you see how you are supposed to progress through it and then it goes dark and you only have the flashlight behind (in the layer 1 or 2) that illuminates the blocks you can run on. That way it takes both this idea and the last you did and combines them into something people can enjoy. Google translate will not be kind to my diction so I apologize in advance for any confusion.
said Oct 28, 2014
I don't think people would enjoy that. Please guys, dark maps are just unfun.
said Oct 28, 2014
The gimmick is quickly learnt, but in that case it really needs checkpoints. And what's with the random invisible spikes right before the end?
said Oct 28, 2014
are you a wizard
said Oct 28, 2014
vlw the tips and eutou aware for future comments

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