Crumbling Path

by videohead
created Sep 22, 2014
350 views | 620 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
Explore the remains of a once great civilization. Collect leaves if you want to.


Probably not Towelie
said Sep 22, 2014
Great level but difficult to tell the layers apart. Might be better to make the difference in color and/or shade a little more pronounced.
said Sep 22, 2014
Towelie: Fastest comment in the West.
Thanks for the feedback! :)
said Sep 23, 2014
This is exactly what I came here to mention. Very hard to tell where the route is just by the dust alone. The stone wall on the far right of the "starting level" was very deceptive.

Nice level aside, though! :D
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 24, 2014
Hey man, just so you have an idea of what I mean, I redid the triggers. Probably not the best example but hopefully it is helpful for future endeavors.

Also, after later playthroughs I noticed the camera shows the bottom of the background elements which looks a bit silly, so try to keep an eye on that as well.
said Sep 22, 2014
Hate to echo the comment already, but it took way too many tries to figure out which layers were real or not. Nice map otherwise, small and simple but satisfying
said Sep 22, 2014
The level was fine. You might want to make the background layers a little darker though and the layer where the player stands a little brighter, so it's easier to tell what I can and can't stand on.
said Sep 23, 2014
Echoing everybody else's sentiments that you need a fog trigger to differentiate the layers.

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