
by Husky
created Sep 7, 2014
386 views | 662 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 7 votes

map notes
Hey Overrun is my second map, hopefully it is better than my first. Thanks too all who tried my first map "Bears Den" it means a lot and I hope you can enjoy this map "Overrun" just as much if not more. This one contains a secret, so goodluck finding it ;) Thanks again and have fun ^^

Edit: Also any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks again.
edited Sep 7, 2014


said Sep 8, 2014
A bit dark. Other than that I really liked it.
said Sep 8, 2014
I don't have a whole lot of complaints, beyond not being a huge fan of drops when they can be avoided, even safe ones, it's still harder to get the right timing for your boost, and you can miss the sloop to boost off of, as it's smaller than the hole.  As mentioned, darker then it should be.  Beyond that, an enjoyable slopeboost map.
said Sep 8, 2014
ah thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it =] I think maybe its my brightness settings for my monitor making these maps darker for you guys, sorry about that - it looks good to me and to others who I asked to test before publishing but I will make sure I tweak the brightness before jumping back in to the map editor. Sorry once again for the darkness but thanks for giving it a go =]
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 8, 2014
For this level I would just recommend bumping up the brightness of layers 18 and 19 but that's really the only problem I had, especially when I didn't see the porcupines at the end until they shot the spines.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 8, 2014
The map plays well enough, except that the camera is too zoomed in for many of the sections where you expect the player to drop (blindly).  You forgot a music trigger entirely, and everyone agrees that it's still very dark.  I opened your map and it appears you have no fog trigger at all.  The reason your map is too dark and has such bad contrast... is that all of your layers are blended 50% BLACK because of this.  Please learn to use the other triggers besides text and it will greatly improve your maps.
edited Sep 8, 2014
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 8, 2014
I was going to add a fog trigger and fix it for you, but your tree leaves and tree trunks are randomly and inconsistently spread across 3 or more layers, which meant I couldn't create a proper color scheme unless I made them all the same.  Try to put similar props on the same layer so that you can control the art with fog triggers better, like if you wanted it to be autumn and make all your tree leaves orange/red.
said Sep 8, 2014
is there a tutorial for this? I would love to make the map better for you guys but it's kind of guessing work and me just playing around until I get it kind of thing.
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 8, 2014
There's the in-editor help, and that's about it.  The pages of that helped me get started though, and they have helpful diagrams.  Also, since I'm familiar with the concept of layers in other programs, I naturally placed like things on the same layers because that's just what makes sense to me.  I make a small part of the map, plan what props and colors I want to use, decide their layers, make the fog trigger, and then I start the level.
said Sep 9, 2014
okay I got you, tyvm for helping me out =] I will try even harder to get this darkness fixed for you all - I am sorry ^^

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