bears den

by Husky
created Sep 6, 2014
398 views | 655 downloads

/ 9 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
First proper map I have made, hope you enjoy it. Its quite rough around the edges and any feedback would be great =]


Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 6, 2014
The thumbnail is... very dark, and impossible to distinguish foreground from background.  I opened the map and prayed, but the map is just as dark.  At least the parallax makes it a little easier to tell, but the problem is still there.  My advice is that you always try to make a large brightness shift between the collision and background... preferably making the BG the darker of the two.  A color shift helps as well, like maybe the BG is darker but also bluer.  There are other problems I think some testing would've ironed out... like the turkey between the two ceiling runs.  That placement makes the player want to up-heavy it, but you didn't put any spikes on the terrain up there so it spreads dust and is very bad.  Most reasonable options don't work, so I have to airjump and then backward down-heavy it to avoid spreading dust... pretty awkward but it works.  I am just curious if that was your intent?
edited Sep 6, 2014
said Sep 6, 2014
You can just up light it three times no problem. Still pretty quick.
said Sep 6, 2014
um i agree, it was quite a rush job, I was just having fun with it and wanted to show my friends, still a bit clunky with all the settings in the level editor sorry but I think you are 110% right about it being dark. I tested the map a whole bunch of times but I wasn't aware it made it difficult for players, it felt norm to mean but I never did try ( or thought to) use that technique described. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped but maybe next time! Thanks for the advice fella and thanks for at least giving it a go =]
said Sep 6, 2014
I dunno. Shin pretty much hit everything. Just the darkness and that turkey, but even that turkey isn't that big of a deal.
said Sep 6, 2014
ye, I agree mate I do apologise, was a bit of a rushed thing. Thanks for giving it a go though =]
said Sep 6, 2014
cant see shittttttttttttttttttttttt. Too dark, thats my only complaint
said Sep 6, 2014
yeah, sorry about that ;/ Thanks for playing it though =]
said Sep 6, 2014
Enjoyed the map a ton :P, was a pain in the ass to learn because of being dark, but still gave it a 4
said Sep 6, 2014
Something else i want to point out (because i used to do the exact same thing, you can ask EklipZ) is when you're downdashing, you spam dashes, this actually will get you worse boosts and ruin your boosts because the timing is important of when you dash, dash as you hit the ground only, all the excess dashes do nothing :P
said Sep 6, 2014
I'm glad you enjoyed the map fella, and thanks for the rating. Also thanks for the advice, seems like I have a lot to learn ^^
said Sep 6, 2014
I'll mention that large enemies like bears, if you don't give them movement, won't turn to hit you if you don't hit them.
said Sep 6, 2014
so they stay completely passive if they don't move, unless you aggro them? I did not know, im sorry mate
said Sep 6, 2014
no they aggro you automatically if you move into their "field of vision" aka "the half of their body that has eyes"

they won't turn to face you if they aren't already moving, though.
said Sep 7, 2014
ah I see, thanks for helping me understand it better mate =]
said Sep 7, 2014
It's not bad. Certain parts could be made more "flowy".

Abit too dark. Take note that brightness depends on screen settings too. So If your monitor is especially bright, ask someone with a dim one to test it for you, or tune your settings.

Take note of the area surrounding a turkey. For example, the first turkey can sometimes splash onto the ledge with a forward straight heavy making it annoying.
said Sep 7, 2014
Yeah I agree 100%, there are a million and one things to make it better. Thanks for the advice and thanks for giving it a go =]

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