Deep Grotto

by Sunder
created Aug 31, 2014
577 views | 791 downloads

/ 25 votes

/ 11 votes

map notes
Testing the waters with the map-maker, just trying to make something fun to play at a medium difficulty with deliberately alternate routes for SS and Any%

Took the better part of a day to make.

Hope you guys enjoy! :)
retagged Aug 31, 2014


Probably not Towelie
said Aug 31, 2014
Great first map, gameplay is solid and quite fun when you try to go fast and I love the visuals, they certainly look better than most of my levels. Looking forward to what you come up with later on!
Shin Rekkoha
said Sep 3, 2014
It's a good map, but I recommend learning cameras sooner rather than later.  Lots of good maps can be confusing or even blind in certain parts without a guiding camera, and it also lets you keep the beautiful stuff you make in the field of vision longer.
Probably not Towelie
said Sep 3, 2014
Agreed, best to start learning the camera early so you can get some feedback now.
said Aug 31, 2014
Awesome for a first map! Really liked the visuals as well. Keep it up!
said Aug 31, 2014
Awesome map dude. Also ¿¡WHY CANT I GET BELOW 38!? Seriously though this is a lot of fun, both the any% and the SS.
EDIT: I just noticed you can ss the level backwards. It's pretty slow, but still cool!
edited Aug 31, 2014
said Aug 31, 2014
you could easily get it by supering earlier at the end, also some of the slopeboosts could be better
said Aug 31, 2014
Did it :P thanks man
said Aug 31, 2014
beat your any% :P great map
said Aug 31, 2014
Really nice first map sunder, Can't wait to see you make more maps!
said Sep 1, 2014
Seems good to me.
said Sep 1, 2014
Nice map, i enjoyed it :)
said Sep 1, 2014
this is a really awesome map!
said Jul 5, 2021
This ruined my tuesday.
said Jan 22, 2023
sunday here, and day not ruined

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