Spiked Firefly Forest

by Curticus
created Aug 10, 2014
823 views | 639 downloads

/ 14 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
After making the Despiked Backup Shift I decided I'd go in the complete opposite direction!  So here it is: your favorite beginner's level with a slight purple trim!  I added as much spikes as I could without making it impossible and now it plays like a golden locked level!  In interest of more spikes I got rid of some of the leaves, but don't worry, I put more than enough mobs in to fuel the final combo!
      I hope this adds enough difficulty to give seasoned players a sense of nostalgia and how much you've improved.  It plays like a whole new level now!

By the way you'll get a silver key if you SS the level.  Kind of ironic, but there it is.

Also, if there's a remix of Swimming While it Rains by LifeFormed then it might fit with this map!

Now with fixed checkpoints


Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 10, 2014
I'm dying.
said Aug 10, 2014
I'm confused, why are you dying?  From the totems or the reupload?  I know it was kind of rash to delete and reupload this so fast, sorry for everybody who lost their runs exploiting my glitch.
said Aug 10, 2014
now with my run gone! Thanks for the reupload for something that nobody thought was a problem huzzah~!!!@~~!@
said Aug 10, 2014
Oh, you're right, sorry.  I probably should have just added 1.1 as a suffix.  The checkpoint right before the totems was linked to the last checkpoint so I face-palmed and re-uploaded.  Once again, sorry.
said Aug 10, 2014
I like it. The two big totems kinda ruin it though, should rethink some of your design decisions for future maps. 3/5
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 10, 2014
I might actually die from the recent influx of shit maps that has taken over the atlas.
said Aug 10, 2014
Come on guys, be nice.  Please just give constructive criticism instead of insults (I saw the old thread).  It's good that we have an influx of new players and map makers. They have to start somewhere.

If a map is bad, give constructive criticism and give it a low rating.  

Question: do you guys think we should the "hot!" map list as the default listing?
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 10, 2014
Yes, that is a great idea lifeformed. Also, could you make it impossible for people to upload a modified stock map?
said Aug 10, 2014
Maybe just getting the silver key by completing the level.  I do feel kind of dishonest getting a red key for the last map I made.  Otherwise, just keep working on Spire; I'd love to see another game from Hitbox!
said Aug 10, 2014
the fake key will disappear when you restart dustforce, dont worry.

I'm not fond of the map, it plays awkwardly. Maps that go from safe floor to spikes on the same stretch of ground, ceiling, or wall, are never fun, you cant move or you'll slide onto the spikes before you can jump away from them.
This map is difficult, yes, but not the "fun platforming difficult" that perhaps you were trying for. Instead its the "oh god I'm not allowed to move anywhere without stopping every 2 seconds" kind of difficult that destroys the flow that makes this game so great.

You're always free to have us playtest your maps before you release them, just bookmark http://client01.chat.mibbit.com/#dustforce@irc2.speedrunslive.com and come talk to us in Dustforce IRC. We'll gladly give you constructive criticism and mapmaking tips there, and you can ask us specific questions and such that you cant here.

I'm with lifeformed, some of us are being far too mean to new mapmakers. Theres a line in the sand between cracking the occasional joke about a bad map and just being mean, and you guys are crossing it right and left.

@Lifeformed, I like the default Atlas display. Dunno if Hot would have the same effect. Plus it would mean new mappers who make bad maps just get discouraged from continuing to make maps and improve, cuz nobody would play their first map due to being pushed off hot so quickly, perhaps. I'm sure Hot! as default could work though, so I have no issue going either way.

(Lifeformed, I'd stick that mibbit link above in the "Learn More" section of atlas. Our IRC channel is honestly the best place for anyone to go who is trying to learn to make good maps). (lol at me and Tropicallo posting this same thing at more or less the same time)
edited Aug 10, 2014
said Aug 10, 2014
I wonder if it would be beneficial to have the IRC channel (maybe similar to the one on dustforce.com/community ) linked on the side of the atlas. Several of the people there are more than happy to help map makers and give feedback, pretty much any dustforce question you could have can be answered by someone in that channel.
edited Aug 10, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 10, 2014
The reason I want to ban stock modified stock maps from being uploaded is because they are the main form of these maps that go all over the atlas blocking it up with effortless maps that push people who are actually trying (asdHeyB is one Im thinking of most at the moment) from the most recent page. This prevents map makers who are actually interested in providing new content from getting the attention needed for recognition and feedback. Before I have only flagged these kinds of troll maps but this is the last straw for me. I have pretty much had enough of the maps people have been putting out and hiding behind their "first map" description. Both of the maps Curticus has put out are stock levels with no changes to the route except for the addition or removal of spikes. This to me is unacceptable and should not be allowed. I would not care if it were a redecorated version because that shows they put a solid amount of effort into making the map, but a re-spiked map is not at all something that requires effort. My two cents on the matter, if they don't want the shit comments, they need to come up with something new.
said Aug 10, 2014
my first map was a modified stock map. And a surprising amount of effort went into this for someone new to the map editor. Furthermore, new people dont know your standards for "what is effort" and therefore have no idea that they're doing something "bad" by your standards. You cant go shitting all over people towelie. He put effort into this and thought it out, misguided as you may deem it.

Relax man, provide constructive feedback. It is important for the community, no matter how much it pisses you off that the map isn't up to par with what you desire.

I hesitantly agree with you on banning modified stock maps, though I dont think thats easily doable for hitbox and isnt really worth the effort.
edited Aug 10, 2014
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 10, 2014
No, a "surprising amount of effort" did not go into making this. You are giving far too much credit where it is not due Eclipz. He simply clicked the spike tool and added spikes and three enemies. You do realize that I would have absolutely no problems with a bad map if it was actually something they came up with? As in, took the time to learn the editor by making a new route, from scratch. Think for example of lawatson: His first map was not very good at all, but he took advice and criticism from everyone and made something quite good the second time around. That is all I want. A sign that critique was acknowledged and utilized.
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 11, 2014
I agree that this map looks like it took, and probably did actually take, 30 minutes or less.
said Aug 10, 2014
i really think we should make an atlas wiki with a brief rundown of what we as a community have agreed upon are the bare minimum standards for a map. we can also include a map checklist and stuff so that every map has a properly set up end flag, non-midair checkpoints, etc.
said Aug 10, 2014
I'm planning to make this later in the week, I need a bit of setup time tho
Shin Rekkoha
said Aug 11, 2014
Bird, just link Literally Lava Shard as the perfect instructional map, and make sure new map makers know to add lava to everything.
said Aug 11, 2014
@voxanimus: But don't you think that would limit creativity?  I know it's hard for me to talk, seeing as I hardly created anything - but these maps are different.  Besides, if my map is below par then it will soon get the rating and attention it deserves and that will be my punishment.
     Then again, I may be missing your point.  If your point is I shouldn't mess up the checkpoints as bad as I did then I agree: there should be a checklist that makes me double-check such an issue.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 11, 2014
You are completely wrong in that sense Curticus. It would not limit creativity, it would simply prevent people from publishing a map such as this one. Your map is no different that the guy who uploaded the "Reversed" stock maps in which he simply switched the start and ending points. Please refrain from uploading these kinds of maps in the future. (Re-skins however are not entirely bad but in order to do one of those and not incite the wrath of the atlas you must be very good at it, for example DustCreep's AltCore).
said Aug 11, 2014
now make one on a virtual level but replace spikes with dust and dust with spikes.

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