Cave system

by Nederlander123
created Jul 28, 2014
338 views | 521 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 4 votes

map notes
My second map, this time under the ground in a cave with bears! Just like my last map any feedback would be nice to get!


said Jul 28, 2014
The biggest problem was that I couldn't really see.  I had liked what I thought would be the any% path, until I realized the real any% path was just to use dustkid or dustworth and go directly up.
Probably not Towelie
said Jul 28, 2014
If you want you can add me on steam and have me test maps for you, I like the route but it is difficult to see.

I just went through it a bit and this is what I came up with:

It's a good idea for your first few maps to mess around with the editor a lot so that you can get a feel for it.
said Jul 28, 2014
i managed to get the 4th best tiem despite using dustman, lol
said Jul 28, 2014
cant see shit

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