Crystal Caverns

by Damselfly
created Jul 22, 2014
500 views | 720 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
I finally got around to finishing this one. Been half-completed for several months.. (:

There is one not-too-secret secret.


said Jul 22, 2014
Make the spikes more visible.
EDIT: witness the terror of spikejumping
edited Jul 22, 2014
said Jul 22, 2014
can't really play this stage without full screen. nice stage overoll
said Jul 22, 2014
The spikes were too hard to see, but after memorizing the route it's a very fun level.
said Jul 22, 2014
The map was not friendly to me on my first playthrough, but it was a lot of fun after that.
said Jul 22, 2014
Thanks for the comments everyone! Many complaints on the spikes, and I completely agree. I couldn't do anything about it though, as the spikes are on the same colour layer as the collision tiles, and I wanted them to be blue. I tried tuning the blue colour down to make the spikes more visible, but I didn't like the "look" it created with the blue being less dominant.

I hope it wasn't TOO bad!
said Jul 22, 2014
You can try using layer 20 tiles to cover up the collision layer.
said Jul 22, 2014
I already used layer 20 for the underwater part :p

In addition to this, that technique doesn't completely cover the layer below, resulting in this:
said Jul 22, 2014
I dislike that technique because it can obscure dust

I think your best option would've been to use a different spike type, like the virtual spikes
said Jul 22, 2014
Yeah, there's that too. I actually tried the virtual ones early in development, but I thought they looked really wonky compared to the mansion ones:
said Jul 22, 2014
better to have something which looks dumb but is functional, than have players die without even realizing the map has spikes. If you have a similar problem later, try all the different spike types, or try having the spikes attached to a different kind of ground that doesn't have all the protrusions like the rocks do.

as for the map itself, I couldn't even beat it... about half my time playing was "I think I know what I'm supposed to do here, I need to jump here and break the prism and land over on this wall... oh I died, I guess that wall has spikes". Even once I was fairly confident where the spikes were, the map is pretty hard, and it seemed like checkpoints were pretty uncommon. Even with visible spikes I don't think this would be my kind of map, there's hardly any room for experimentation, there's really just one path through the entire thing because you put spikes on every single other surface of the level

But the windmill in the screenshot is pretty! I never got there though
said Jul 22, 2014
I don't think the virtual spikes look that bad. Regardless, that's my only issue with the level.
said Jul 23, 2014
Appreciate the feedback! I often sacrifice functionality for aestethics as that's what I enjoy with making the levels; how I can make different elements come together into something pretty. I do of course also spend a fair amount of time on the actual path and gameplay, but it's seldom my main concern when building.. :P

I had a very difficult time with the checkpoints, as the route is mainly in the air. I tried experimenting with a couple more checkpoints, but they just felt really strange to me. Perhaps I should've included them regardless, seeing as there are very few of them as is.

I hope it wasn't all pain and misery, haha! Thanks :)
said Jul 24, 2014
I think the checkpoints were really well done! I rather liked everything about the level.
said Jul 22, 2014
There, finally got it, for no real practical reason, I had a pretty hard time with this level.
said Jul 23, 2014
Really fun map! I enjoyed a lot the parts with prisms. A bit confusing the first time, but then the spikes have not been a problem for me. Also checkpoints are fine.
The windmill is cool :).

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