The Scar

by Shin Rekkoha
created Jul 21, 2014
423 views | 749 downloads

/ 31 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
My second Arena Map.  This one isn't as bloody as the last one, but we'll get over it.  There's some actual terrain to utilize here, and the map is much easier to see, especially on lower quality monitors.  Don't question how you got onto this island in the first place; You obviously ran along the chain.  Also, trees can grow on stone and metal islands in the sky without soil of any kind.
retagged Sep 15, 2014


said Jul 21, 2014
Fun c:
said Jul 22, 2014
I'm really liking the latest influx of fight maps.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 22, 2014
I'm liking it as well.  Of course I'd be lying if I said they weren't easier to make.  This took me 1/5 the time of Enigma.
said Jul 22, 2014
I like the inclusion of ramps into this map.  The gargoyles at the top in the dark green are harder to see then on the test map, but the dust is easier to see.
said Jul 22, 2014
I liked the map, but not really a fan of the entity color. and for some reason my fastest route/replay that gets all the dust gives me an AS, so I have no idea what is going on.
Shin Rekkoha
said Jul 22, 2014
Even with that glitch, which we mostly figured out in chat, your current SS replay kicks all of the asses.

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