
by LudiniTheShark
created Jun 7, 2014
449 views | 668 downloads

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map notes
Second map, sorry if this counts as spamming or something. First day on atlas. This ones a little longer then my first. Hope you like it c:

 Also, if anyone's reading this, I can't seem to download and install maps. Firefox won't recognize the links or something. They wont work when I download them manually either. pls halp.


said Jun 7, 2014
if two maps in a day is spamming then towelie needs a ban Kappa

try running dustforce in administrator mode. go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dustforce" and rightclick dustforce.exe and select "run as administrator"

Once you've done that and reboot firefox, the install and play links should work fine. At least with chrome, thats what did it for me, I assume it works with firefox too.
said Jun 7, 2014
Weird. I tried that earlier and it didn't work. But whatever, it's working now. Thanks. c:
said Jun 7, 2014
the jumps you have that connect to the slanted ceilings are quite awkward. They aren't really built to flow well when going fast. You still seem quite new to the game so going fast is hard to plan for in maps, But it really increases playability for lots of the more long-term players (who are the majority of the people still playing custom maps)
said Jun 7, 2014
Well that's sorta why I did it. I figured only really skilled players were playing these custom maps since my first map was destroyed in minutes. So I was trying to think of things that would trip up more experienced players. Only thing I could think of was stuff that sorta forced you to go slower. Since I can't plan for how fast you guys are going to go I have to challenge you somehow. Thanks for the comments though, really do appreciate it.
said Jun 7, 2014
Tripping us up seems backwards, Challenging us is fine but if your map is awkward and unfun to go fast in, people just wont play it at all.

Rather then forcing us to go slower (we will find a way to go the fastest regardless) just embracing it and allowing us to be creative in strats and routes etc. is much more fun. We go fast because its fun and we worked hard to practice to get as good as we have, Degrading that seems really weird to me.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 7, 2014
I found it to be pretty fun if you could ignore the weird spike drop tunnel, kinda slowed you up more than anything but it was not a bad map at all.
said Jun 7, 2014
nah not a bad map, still pretty enjoyable, It just couldve been better :D
said Jun 7, 2014
I'm not degrading your hard work. It just seemed to me like a different kind of challenge is all. But I'll keep it in mind if I make any more maps though. Both of the maps I made today were just out of boredom so you might not have to put up with my shit ever again anyway.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 7, 2014
Don't get put off by a bit of criticism, you have some pretty good ideas that can be expanded on so don't stop now.
said Jun 7, 2014
I didn't mean it like that lol. I was just trying to say that this might have been a one time thing for me. I don't know yet. Sorry if it came across douchey or bitter. Didn't mean it that way at all. #touchbutts
said Jun 8, 2014
I found the jump leading into the 30 degree ceiling to be pretty original actually, and didn't slow down the run much at all. If you run up the ramp and just when you hit the final block hit down and jump, you should be able to catch onto the ceiling without losing speed.  Its a bit finicky, but you don't have to stop moving for the jump.  I enjoyed the map, though I thought the checkpoints were awkwardly placed.
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 7, 2014
Fun map
said Jun 8, 2014
Good stuff - there's a few awkward (blind) drops in here, try getting on to using the camera next (it's a pain, but it helps a lot). Not too big a deal here, though.
said Jun 8, 2014
Thanks. I knew that there were a few weird parts I could've fixed with cameras, but I just can't figure out how to use them properly. Might tackle that today though.
said Jun 8, 2014
Really liked all the secrets here ^^
said Jun 8, 2014
Thanks. It was my favorite part about all the stock dustforce levels so now I get to make my own. c:

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