Alphabeta REMIX

by lawatson
created Jun 3, 2014
407 views | 631 downloads

/ 7 votes

/ 1 vote

map notes
This was the first map I made, and it was basically the worst piece of crap ever. Because of that, I decided to look into my spare time to remake this map! Everything fits the average play style, checkpoints and cameras are fixed up, and the landscape has been made better overall! As always, have fun.


Probably not Towelie
said Jun 3, 2014
Nice fix, the new camera is great this time around.
said Jun 3, 2014
Thanks! Also, I beat your old time to be greeted by your new time... *~*
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 3, 2014
Now beat the new time! It's there to stay haha
said Jun 3, 2014
I finally did beat it, by 2.2 seconds! My hands were freezing from the AC by the time I beat it.
EDIT: I beat bird, too! I have an almost unbeatable time of 1:03.550!
edited Jun 3, 2014
said Jun 3, 2014
sub 1 minute ez, havent watched any repalys yet either
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 4, 2014
have a cookie
said Jun 3, 2014
better then the first one for sure, But you still lack the overall polish of a good flowing map. lots of gaps are extremely small and the platforming does not connect together as well as it could in several places
said Jun 3, 2014
Tomorrow i'll give it a real shot. My any% is my threat to you ;)
said Jun 4, 2014
if I could manage to not drop 50% of dash inputs during the zoomed out section, my any% would be much better. :/
said Jun 4, 2014
I'm sorry about that. In the process of testing for all characters to SS, I never encountered that problem. I'll try not to zoom out too far in following maps.
said Nov 13, 2022
wow this is so much better

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