Locked Mansion v2

by Tropicallo
created May 30, 2014
586 views | 807 downloads

/ 6 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Of all my maps included in the console version, I think this map was edited the most (When I say "most" I still mean barely any at all).

Actually, not even this edit is in the console version... so I guess I messed up and sent the "next to last" edited file or something to Hitbox instead of this one. It's not a big deal (a key door was moved to the left a tiny bit in this one) which is why I decided to just upload the most recent edited file I had.
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said May 30, 2014
said May 30, 2014
Bring back doors to the editor, please! They're fun.
said May 31, 2014
I second this! Why were they removed in the first place? ;<
said May 31, 2014
Wow really cool! I never played the old version and I didn't know the editor had the doors.
said May 31, 2014
That book spiked me like 1000 times, I was sad.  Then I started just waiting tell it was in the center of the room and I could get some jump in.

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