The Dungeon

by Calistus
created May 17, 2014
466 views | 713 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
Collab map that was started on my stream on May 15th, 2014.

Credit to everyone who was watching and participating during the stream, as well as invert, TheBirdOfPrey, glass, Furkiepurkie, and Tropicallo for all personally editing the map.

I hope I didn't forget to give anyone credit for editing the map.
retagged May 18, 2014


said May 17, 2014
Aww where was I when this happened? D:
said May 17, 2014
Outside of Kappa
said May 18, 2014
I'll probably be doing another collab arena some time. What's the best way to contact you if I do, so you can have a turn with it?
said May 17, 2014
About time we got some more fight maps.
said May 18, 2014
I actually am not the biggest fan of arena maps, but I don't have any problems with this one.  It's a tad harder to recover from falling or screwing up enemy placement then stock maps, but I don't see that as a problem.  It plays a tad differently, and I like it, for people who care, it should be a blast to route..

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