2 Another Temple

by slug
created Apr 29, 2014
449 views | 652 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 5 votes

map notes
I didn't have much of a plan when I started creating this, but I think it turned out alright.
edited Apr 29, 2014


said Apr 29, 2014
sorry man but the flow is just all over the place. blind drops abound. the placement of enemies is also pretty annoying. the chamber with the treasure chest and the knight is particularly bad; saving your super for it makes the end of the level an unnecessarily annoying slugfest.
said Apr 29, 2014
Sorry I didn't plan that very well. I originally intended for you to continuously hit the knights shield to transport yourself across the spikes. Thanks for the honest feedback.
said Apr 29, 2014
i think that gimmick would have actually worked well if there were no other enemies in that area. then you could just push the knight along and kill him once you made it onto solid ground.
said Apr 29, 2014
Maybe I should fix the level up then re upload it.
Or is re uploading bad for some reason?
I'm pretty new to this sort of thing.
said Apr 29, 2014
its okay; reuploading is generally frowned upon as it kind of defeats the purpose of the high score system. honestly it wasnt that bad overall, just keep this stuff in mind moving forward :D
said Apr 29, 2014
Alright. Thanks for the advice.
Captain Syrup
said Apr 29, 2014

Fucking brutal.
said Apr 29, 2014
The level always seems to work out better to yourself than anyone else...
Captain Syrup
said Apr 29, 2014
Don't be discouraged! That's what playtesting is for! Get in touch with someone on this website or one of the others and they'd be more than happy to play your levels and help you improve them before upload. :)
said Apr 29, 2014
That's a wonderful idea!
said Apr 29, 2014
Yeah, this is fine except for the ton of enemies near the end. If you're going to do that, make absolutely sure that your player had their super first.
said May 1, 2014
I actually really like the level design of this. The only problems I see are:

* The first chest, it makes you awkwardly go backwards for no reason.
* The enemy placement at the end, you're meant to spend the super at the part just before that and the small size of the room as well as the knight means that there's not really an elegant solution to clearing it, at least I didn't see one.
* The camera, needed to be zoomed out more in a lot of parts.
said May 1, 2014
Honestly really love map. Good for coming up with your own strats and ways to get through the seemingly awkward parts. 10/10

ps fk u dustkid

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