
by DustBear
created Sep 18, 2013
442 views | 672 downloads

/ 13 votes

/ 8 votes

easy flow

map notes
Just a first try at making a map.
Was trying to make the level as accessible as possible while also providing interesting obstacles for speed runners to consider.
Looking for constructive criticism.

I am also in no way good at making things pretty so... black is whatcha get.

Edit: You are all way too nice. Just  went back to try out this map and it suuuuuuuuuxxxxxxxxxxxx.
edited Sep 29, 2013


said Sep 18, 2013
I love the way you mixed virtual and forest together :) A slope-y ramp-y thing after the enemies at the beginning would be nice, just to speed that area up a little bit. Also, not as long of a slope at the very end, as it is you have to wait for a while before you reach the ending. Otherwise, very good!

You should attempt to make a background for your next map! You won't get any better at making things pretty unless you practice~
said Sep 18, 2013
Is the sloped ramp after the enemy platform not big enough or..?

The end slope is a bit long. I didn't know how fast really speedy people would go down it since I know I'm not the best at the game. I also wanted to make sure the player hit 100 combo before the end as a catchall for people who wanted to "blitz" the finish. So I covered my bets :P.
said Sep 18, 2013
Oh sorry, I meant to say that you should move it a bit closer to the enemies, it doesn't flow very nicely with the distance it is away.
said Sep 18, 2013
Honestly it'd be fine if the ground just wasn't covered in dust, you could definitely do some cool stuff there. As it is, you kind of have to land awkwardly no matter what you do there and the ramp afterwards is too close to get a good jump to get a lot of momentum at the bottom. Good level otherwise though.
said Sep 18, 2013
God dammit Seight, stop being so good at this game.  

As for the map, there's a few minor issues, but its a great first map.  I'd encourage you to play with the backgrounds and other layers a bit more to flush it out visually, and avoid putting dust  right under enemies, it leads to back tracking because players can usually carry the enemy with them, or keep moving past it while killing it.  The dustblock placement in the middle of the long enemy chain was a bit awkward, but maybe thats just because I'm bad at this game.
said Sep 18, 2013
I like it! The only thing i don't like is the change from forest to virtual. Maybe it's just me but i prefer maps to stays with one theme and if not then the transition should look/feel fluent.
said Sep 18, 2013
A big part of the reason for the virtual shifty look is because as far as I know, the virtual single hit blocks are the only flying enemy you only have to hit once that you can also pass through. I didn't want the squares after the 1st climbing session to take as long as a heavy swing to kill. Beyond that the rest of the virtual stuff was just because. I could probably retexture the thing to be forest but I would wipe the leaderboard I think.

Late Edit: I later got clarification that Badger didn't like the look of the virtual /platforms/. In hindsight Badger's probably right but I won't bother adjusting for the sake of the leaderboard.
edited Sep 20, 2013
said Sep 18, 2013
You can also make maids/butlers from the mansion fly and you can pass through them and they only take one light attack, but they look kind of weird when they are floating. Using turkeys or slime balls or flying gargoyles works pretty much the same way too even though you have to heavy them.

Personally I like the mechanics of the virtual enemies for air maneuverability the best. Yeah you can't edit maps; you would have to release a new version if you wanted to change anything.

You can use virtual enemies and still have the ground be foresty if you want. Also you could add more of a background.
said Sep 18, 2013
I guess me and Magnetbrainn have different preferences xD
said Sep 18, 2013
I think the concept is good, but the only way you can really do it is with a total change (only forest blocks & dust -> only virtual blocks & dust). Still, wasn't bad for a first map :)
said Sep 18, 2013
Good job, it's a nice and simple map but it will definitely get you familiar with the map editor!
said Sep 18, 2013
You broke me, i used Dustgirl... I might even use Dustkid someday...

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