Map Making Competition

by Magnetbrainn
created Aug 10, 2013
1370 views | 673 downloads

/ 7 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Just add me on Steam, or ask me below if you have anything to clarify.
Reddit post should be up soon, but I'm feeling lazy right now.


said Aug 10, 2013
Extra details such as "do we just make any map whatsoever or what" would be helpful, yes.
said Aug 10, 2013
...yes, that's the whole point of this?
said Aug 10, 2013
Usually these kinds of contests are best with some sort of theme, either aesthetic or gameplay, like "winter" or "climbing" or something.   That way there's something common to judge them on.
said Aug 10, 2013
I was initially thinking of something like that, but I decided against it, because IMO it limits creativity.

If the 'competition' is popular enough for there to be a second one, then 'themes' and whatnot would be included without a doubt.
said Aug 10, 2013
The theme should be "map that could get into the new version of Dustforce"
said Aug 10, 2013
Actually I think limitations foster more creativity!
said Aug 10, 2013
In some cases they can, but I think what I'm trying to achieve here is finding out whether or not an event like this could work.
If it does, then yeah, limitations will certainly be put in place! I mean otherwise, people would just walk away and not bother.

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