Wolf Chase

by Riokaii
created Aug 9, 2013
545 views | 762 downloads

/ 10 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
Wolf Pack Version 2 basically. Map should flow better, added more variety and spiced up the colors and scenery a bit, Wolf pathing should be a bit more "hair thin" timing, You gotta go fast, or you get chomped!

Evade the pack of wolves as they chase you through this leaf-ridden forest chasm.

Thanks to Tropicallo for helping me makes sure everything was going to work smoothly!


said Aug 9, 2013
bit annoying to learn since the down dash positions are pretty much blind
said Aug 9, 2013
i left the downdash slopes larger on purpose, you should be able to drop almost anywhere in the gaps and hit the slope fine, if you're downdashing really early or late etc. it might be a bit harder, sorry!
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 9, 2013
I actually quite liked it, but as NoobSlayer said its kind of blind on the first play-through and I didn't know what to do or where to go.
Probably not Towelie
said Aug 9, 2013
Also I watched one of my recent replays and if the wolves had not gotten stuck at some point I would have had a 9ish second SS time. Kind of a buzz-kill for me.
said Aug 9, 2013
I like the idea but I found that going too fast leaves a wolf behind causing me to go back to actually finish the level. xD haha
said Aug 9, 2013
i playtested it a LOT, that shouldn't ever happen if you go too FAST, if you go too slow wolves will track the player more and can get stuck that way, but that shouldnt happen very often if it does
said Aug 9, 2013
I wish I could redo my run to show you. It's not too big of a problem I just wanted to see if I could get a quicker time.
said Aug 9, 2013
so apparently wolves can clip. (caught one clipping in my current replay)
edited Aug 9, 2013

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