Maplers Daily Shit Map 4

by mapler90210
created Aug 4, 2013
536 views | 668 downloads

/ 19 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
I was asked to make a pretty map.


said Aug 4, 2013
this map is actually good what the hell
said Aug 4, 2013
props to whoever has the endurance to SS this
said Aug 4, 2013
Super Administrator
said Aug 4, 2013
oh hey terence. I'd apoligize for making you play this, but you did download and play a level called "shit map 4"
said Aug 4, 2013
Dice got an SS!
said Aug 4, 2013
ez pz
said Aug 5, 2013
even more ez pz
said Aug 5, 2013
About checkpoints: avoid instances where you can accidentally fall/trigger and old checkpoint and lose possibility of completion (i.e. at the letter E), also try to make them where you don't have to backtrack to get some dust patches, and finally try not to accidentally make the spawn above ground (in the editor put the checkpoint-spawn below ground so that you actually spawn on the ground instead of floating over it).

Thanks for another one of your crazy/awesome maps :D, good job!
said Aug 5, 2013
Yeah I wasn't thinking at all when I did the checkpoints. I definitely wasn't aware of a couple things you said, but I usually do a little better. Thanks for the advice!
said Aug 6, 2013
Heheh well don't worry anyway, you cannot spend too much time tweaking the small things if you are churning out a map each day ;) I really like that, it's a great idea.
said Aug 7, 2013
Thanks. I was hoping that doing it this way would prevent me from holding off on an idea until I had a grand vision. So far it seems to be working. Also makes it so I'm not hoarding maps lying to myself that I'll finish them eventually.
said Aug 5, 2013
checkpoints are terrible on this map
said Aug 6, 2013
Liked it a lot actually, its just too bad the checkpoints kind of make it a pain.
said Aug 6, 2013
How did you have the patience for this
said Aug 6, 2013
any% is actually pretty cool
said Aug 6, 2013
Like I said I liked it quite a bit, trying to map it out when you only have one jump made it a fun challenge. :D
said Aug 7, 2013
I agree, any% was fun to do. SS was clunky and a bit douchey (one of the flags literally there just to see how people would deal with it). If it wasn't obvious this level wasn't planned out too well.

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