Abyssal Library

by GrizzlyWilly
created Jun 1, 2013
583 views | 773 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
I'm not a fan of hard maps that are hard just because they have spikes everywhere, so I made a map that requires timing and a bit of restraint in order to get a fluid run.  As a result there aren't any spikes in this map outside of the beginning area.

Also, I really like the library/castle tile set and have wanted to make a visual representation of an idea I've had regarding a library that exists in an essentially bottomless pit.


said Jun 2, 2013
the any% is kinda annoyingly blind, but you get used to it. fun level, cool idea
said Jun 2, 2013
It kinda bothers me how the camera is always too high. The dashes after the drops have to be all on reaction, which is somewhat annoying.
said Jun 2, 2013
Really? I always saw them coming. Might be a resolution thing.
said Jun 2, 2013
I'm not seeing it, either.  I had set the camera size to be big enough to allow the player to see the path coming up.  Hm.  I think I should've had some others play test this before releasing.
said Jun 2, 2013
Very fun map by the way, great to speedrun.
said Jun 2, 2013
Harder than it looks from replay haha. Liked it!
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 3, 2013
Pretty annoying that you cant heavy the books without spreading dust onto places that slow you down. Long drops that tend to end with your combo being lost due to a missed dash into a book. In short I hate books in this game.
said Jun 3, 2013
You can heavy most of them if you position yourself in the air just right, you can't be too high or too close to them iirc. It took some practice for me to get used to it, but you definitely can. Agreed on the book hating though, tires still piss me off more. =P
edited Jun 3, 2013
Probably not Towelie
said Jun 3, 2013
Meh on positioning, Ive said it before, I suck at this game: gots no restraint
said Jun 3, 2013
Stop being hard on yourself and beat me with chubbykid already. :|
said Jun 4, 2013
Sorry. :(

I didn't think that heavy-ing would be an issue for people

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