Midnight lake

by GrizzlyWilly
created May 9, 2013
620 views | 815 downloads

/ 17 votes

/ 12 votes

map notes
I started this map with the intention of making one that was more difficult than my previous maps.  Unfortunately, I can't really test those myself, so I decided to make an easier one that was more relaxing.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to play test it and provide feedback!
retagged Jun 8, 2014


said May 9, 2013
I LIKE IT Very fluid in the last half. The way that the actual collision layer is lower than the boats is kinda weird, but I think it works. Just takes some getting used to. Other than that, surfing over those spike pillars felt pretty cool
said May 9, 2013
I really like the flow of the map. Very relaxing indeed!
said May 9, 2013
I love the changes you put in, it's exactly what I was thinking (I posted the comment on the reddit thread).  Awesome!
said May 10, 2013
Not sure which version I like better, either way its still a fun and good looking map. Nice job!
edited May 10, 2013
said May 10, 2013
Mountains on the background is the quite right decision, kinda zest. Like It.
said May 10, 2013
I tried using normal ground for the background at first, but it didn't look quite right, so I switched to the mountains.  Glad I did.

Although, I'm noticing that there's a mountain tile missing at the end, so a seam is visible.  D'oh!
said May 25, 2013
Nice and fun map!
said Jun 20, 2023
Thanks for creating levels that draw me in.

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