Clogged Well Redux

by GrizzlyWilly
created Apr 24, 2013
509 views | 666 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 10 votes

map notes
Found that there were two enemies in one of the walls that I never got rid of.

Apologies if this is poor Atlas etiquette.

I wasn't completely satisfied with the original, but I didn't want to upload the same map with visual changes, so I tweaked some areas and extended the tunnel run.  The secret areas are also redone.


said Apr 24, 2013
Thank you for moving the spawn location back a bit so you can get the boost on the roof and get the dust without having to do that stupid short hop. Makes the level 100x less annoying compared to the original version haha.
edited Apr 24, 2013
said Apr 24, 2013
Spawn location is in the same spot, actually.  Just removed some of the dust near the spawn.
said Apr 24, 2013
Yeah that's what it was, either way it makes it a lot better.
said Apr 25, 2013
Was wondering why it was so easy to do the any% run, realized I took out the spikes in the tube and forgot to put them back. :X
said Apr 26, 2013
Mistake much appreciated
said Apr 26, 2013
If it would have detracted from the map I'll consider forgetting it a positive.
said Apr 26, 2013
The camera there is a bit iffy a lot of the time, diving into the pipe blind with spikes everywhere probably would have been pretty annoying, in my opinion at least.
said Apr 26, 2013
My original intent was to have that just lead to the construction worker guy and not be used for the any% run.  I suppose there it would have been a good idea to forgo the spikes as well.

That being said, I totally understand.  When I was doing test runs I had difficulty remembering where exactly to drop to avoid the spikes, so I added that protrusion on the ceiling directly above it.  If you fall exactly at that point you would have passed through the spikes without any problem.  I think if I had set a disconnect camera trigger at the ramp after the super drop, and then a new camera chain for the zoom in at the spike tunnel run, then the camera wouldn't have be as problematic.
said Apr 25, 2013
Wow, this level is awesome, soo much better than the first version.

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