Chained Sky

by GrizzlyWilly
created Mar 26, 2013
431 views | 681 downloads

/ 12 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
My very first map!  It's a bit short, and I expect it to be easy, especially for the veterans here.


said Mar 26, 2013
Thanks to this map I learned how to transfer downward momentum into horizontal momentum on large ramps. Yay.
said Mar 26, 2013
Your run is a lot faster than I had expected people to manage, mostly because I didn't expect there to be much in the way of optimization.
Probably not Towelie
said Mar 26, 2013
Am I doing the first part the way you imagined? I feel like the spike jump is for people unable to get far enough to reach the other side, am I wrong?
said Mar 26, 2013
The spike jump is intended to be used.  I hadn't planned on people being able to make jump without it.
Probably not Towelie
said Mar 26, 2013
Right, cool level by the way, very good for a first map. Keep it up!
said Mar 27, 2013
Woot! 4th! Go me! go me! (now I know I'll be knocked down to 20th soon, but at least I'll have incentive to keep playing this)  Great map, not sure I like the enemy at the tiny little gap mid way through, but the rest of it is excellent.
said Mar 27, 2013
The enemy is there so you can get through the gap easier, at least it's easier with it there in my opinion.  Prolongs time in the air so you have time to get past the spikes.

And thanks!  Glad you liked it.

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