
by Allin1
created Feb 6, 2013
630 views | 654 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 9 votes

map notes
sorry guys in the past there was a bug


said Feb 6, 2013
So gorgeous, and so incredibly viciously hard. I really love your visuals, but damn, I might just be bad, but I think the player could get a little more leeway here.
said Feb 6, 2013
beauty has its price
said Feb 6, 2013
please no more updates of the map im going for ss so i would kill me if i get ss and 10seconds later its updated. and now that i played it for a while its fun just the last tunnel is bad.
said Feb 6, 2013
Lol really?  You put the last enemy right inside its own spikes in the spiketunnel?  You want people to crash the game at the end?
said Feb 6, 2013
got the ss so dont update this map PLEASE
Probably not Towelie
said Feb 6, 2013
Game crashes unless its a pixel perfect hit at the end, I know you're trying to make it difficult but that last part was a bad idea, give just a tad more space for that last enemy and it will be much better. Level looks great on the other hand, you must have put a lot of time into decorating.
said Feb 8, 2013
I would SS it but the game crashes at the end.

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