
by Itakio
created Jan 9, 2013
409 views | 630 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 10 votes

short easy flow

map notes
My first map. Feel free to leave any thoughts, criticism, etc.; I'd like to make more.
edited Jan 10, 2013


said Jan 10, 2013
Super Administrator
Cool, looks great and flows well.  The ending particles were really neat.  I didn't really enjoy the beginning platform that you have to swing through; it felt a little awkward.
said Jan 10, 2013
Did you use the method I did in my SS replay? That's the way I intended it to be cleared, and it seems fine when I'm able to do it that way. Admittedly it's a bit hard but I wanted to give a fresh challenge to those competing for Best Score.

I suppose it needed to be a bit more obvious for those just trying to SS and move on.
edited Jan 10, 2013
said Jan 10, 2013
I liked it, because you can also SS by just jumping back from the higher platforms. When I realized you can just swipe it clean it did made alot of more sense however :D
said Jan 10, 2013
I liked your use of the leaf trails to show where you should be falling. It's an interesting alternative to cameras for creating more playable free-fall sections.
said Jan 10, 2013
It's a good map, but I had to quit after a hundred or so times of trying to get over the gap and failing.
said Jan 10, 2013

Did you look at any replays and try to apply any of those strategies? I guess since it's not obvious in the replays I might advise you to dash before you get to the end of the slope for an extra boost.
said Jan 11, 2013
Whelp, it wasn't easy, but I finally got it.

Those stupid super slope speed slides are mind-numbingly difficult to get down consistently. I don't know how people can do it so well, especially with it's enormously large margin of error.
said Jan 11, 2013
Just based on your replay, it looks like you might have been trying to go onto the ramp with some backwards momentum, which would explain your difficulty. Think about what would happen in real life if you were to fall on, say, a snowy hill with a snowboard: if you were to hit the ground at a 90 degree angle to the hill, you would start off with 0 momentum. If you were to hit the ground from straight up, you'd be off to a fast start. With that being said, try to hit the slope with as much forward/downward momentum as possible.

I just tried with with Dustworth, he doesn't seem to fall nearly as fast as the others (hardly ever play him at all), but you actually don't even need to go faster than normal to make it over without even having to climb up with him. Just space your jumps well.
edited Jan 11, 2013
said Jan 10, 2013
Looks awesome, but it's way too short!
said Jan 15, 2013
I agree that some of your visual ideas are amazing. I think if you put that creativity toward a full length level it could be really good. Hell you could even just expand what you already have made. You might want to change the first part up a bit (the under the platform double sweep) i didn't put all that much time into getting it down but it seems awkward. The rest seems well thought out. Slope dash worked fine for me :-) just takes some practice to get that mechanic down.

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