Generic Ruins

by Kaiser Cat
created Dec 27, 2012
467 views | 617 downloads

/ 11 votes

/ 8 votes

map notes
This was called "Jungle Ruins" but I changed the name because it didn't feel like a jungle. This level is really short and does not abuse angular blocks ever.


said Dec 27, 2012
Whee, that was fun to think of routes through - it doesn't technically flow as well as it perhaps should, but it was short and neat
said Dec 27, 2012
Nice man, much better than your previous maps!
said Dec 27, 2012
Very nice map, the only thing thats need to be noted though is remember to put spawn/checkpoint flags slightly below the ground. This way the characters will not spawn in the air. I normally don't do any% runs but this one was fun!
edited Dec 27, 2012
said Dec 28, 2012
Have to admit, I didn't enjoy this one that much, it feels a little unpolished.  I'd space some of the platforms out a little bit more so the player can build up speed a bit.  Also, the final floating leaf thing at the end is really annoying because its so close to the one below it.  I kept hitting both of them with my heavy attack instead of just one.  I'd personally move it up a bit higher, but I guess that might be intentional.
Kaiser Cat
said Dec 29, 2012
The space between the leaves is intentional.
said Dec 29, 2012
Greenman takes the lead!
said Dec 29, 2012
What does it take to make such beautiful slanted squares?
Kaiser Cat
said Dec 29, 2012
Shift + Mouse Wheel.
said Dec 29, 2012
... So... It's been this easy all along.
said Jan 1, 2013
Now I feel bad for giving you such a stupid response that time you asked me, KrackoCloud :(
said Jan 1, 2013
Haha, I do remember that. It's okay! :Y

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