
by Kaiser Cat
created Dec 17, 2012
373 views | 575 downloads

/ 6 votes

/ 4 votes


map notes
A relatively easy map inspired by all of those "Museum comes alive" plots. Noteworthy mention goes to the film "Night at the Museum" and the freeware game Ib. The level is pretty much completely linear and SSable with all characters. I tried to actually make use of the scenery and background options in this one.
edited Dec 18, 2012


said Dec 18, 2012
That was fun! You have a good idea of flow, but you place a little too many enemies through the level that make you stop to kill them - especially knights are bad to have randomly (although I liked how you could drop one of them). Also, try using the fog trigger to differentiate between layers so they don't all look the same - this gets confusing, and also looks less good. It also has a surprisingly good (whether intentional or not) any% run.
edited Dec 18, 2012
Gulpy Blinkeyes
said Dec 19, 2012
I really had fun with this map!   I agree with some of Tinker's thoughts, but overall I very much enjoyed working at a semi-decent SS run on it.  I think maps like this that are long but relatively easy allow for a lot of experimentation, which I like.

Edit: I keep coming back to this map!  It feels like the kind of map where there are a lot of opportunities to refine your run, which is a good sign.  Finally grabbed the #1 SS spot for now, but I made some clear mistakes, so there's still plenty of ways get even better. Thanks for the very satisfying level!
edited Dec 20, 2012

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