modern art

by Wijo
created Aug 22, 2024
157 views | 13 downloads

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short ramen

map notes
random map I made because I was bored


said Aug 25, 2024
The luminance (brightness) contrast between the platforms and the background is bad. Don't worry, I have made the same mistake myself. Really liked the colours though.

The background should usually have a heavily contrasting luminance value to the platforms. i.e. If the platforms are bright, the background should be dark, and vice versa.

(Foreground should have no saturation and full opacity to avoid drawing too much attention as well but this map doesn't have one so that doesn't matter)

There is too much luminance contrast within the background as well, that is really distracting.

Although hue and saturation can make things stand out more, luminance is the main factor for bad contrast (That's the reason that monochrome colours work). Light/dark contrast is more important than anything else.

Purple and green can actually work, even if they are one of the more difficult colour combinations to work with. I use purple and green frequently myself. I realised these problems from my own maps.

Purple and green isn't the problem. Too much high saturation, medium luminance colours with enough hue contrast to separate the colours is. It creates a situation where everything on screen is fighting for your attention. Which is exactly what is happening.

By the way, if my usage of the words hue, saturation or luminance was confusing, it comes from the HSL (hue, saturation and luminance) colour scheme. Hue is the colour, saturation is the intensity of the colour, and luminance is the brightness. There are sliders for it in the fog trigger colour picker menu, as well as the more popular RGB colour scheme.

If you think this wasn't clear or helpful enough, then please ask questions. I have had enough experience with not-so-great feedback myself; I really want to avoid giving it myself.

TL;DR: use bright platforms and dark backgrounds or vice versa. don't do both at a similar brightness, it's really bad.
said Aug 25, 2024
that is actually a super helpful answer tysm! and yeah your version does look way better c:

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