
by MrShishkebab
created Nov 25, 2012
333 views | 599 downloads

/ 5 votes

/ 3 votes

map notes
Third map I have made.

Please tell me anything that this level has flaws in.


said Nov 25, 2012
Man, you've got a great sense of flow in these levels, and there's loads of original passages here (I like the halfpipes throughout the level a lot, and the bit where there's multiple enemies around a fragmented cave seems interesting to think of the best strategy for). The only thing you could do better is the visual flair I guess, which gives levels just that little extra oomph - but it's a fairly minor thing. Keep them coming, these are fun!
said Nov 25, 2012
Thanks man.
Im workin on another right now.
said Nov 25, 2012
Agreed, your map gameplay is pretty good for just starting out, and while your second two maps weren't great on aesthetics, the first two were both unique and looked pretty good.  They were also uniquely creepy- not exactly sure how you pulled off that vibe in a cell-shaded game.

Definitely could use checkpoints, though.  Not having them makes it harder to practice the level.
said Nov 26, 2012
I usually don't like maps with too many ground enemies but this one I enjoyed!
said Jun 26, 2023
Thanks for the excitement you provide in your levels.

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